Foot Fetish Simulator
`For those that love to worship feet! Kaylani’s foot has long slender toes with ruby red nails. The best part is that it has a tight ribbed pussy in the heel of the shoe.’
`For those that love to worship feet! Kaylani’s foot has long slender toes with ruby red nails. The best part is that it has a tight ribbed pussy in the heel of the shoe.’
`The table is derived from the National Safety Council’s data on accidents. There are four columns:
Column 1: Manner of injury
Column 2: Total number of deaths nationwide due to the manner of injury for the year 2000
Column 3: Odds of dying in one year due to the manner of injury [i.e. 1 in 46,901 chance of dying as a Pedestrian]
Column 4: Odds of dying over the course of a lifetime due to the manner of injury [i.e. 1 in 610 chance of dying as a Pedestrian]’
`As the prostitute entered the room, the full horror for him of discovering his daughter’s occupation hit him. The father began feeling chest pains which may have been a mild heart attack.
He then cut short his stay in Eilat, and on his return home told his distraught wife the truth of what had happened.
She has vowed to track down her daughter and find a more suitable job for her.
However, her forgiveness has not extended to her husband and she has made it clear she wishes to divorce him.’
`In retrospect, this magazine’s coverage of socalled evolution has been hideously one-sided. For decades, we published articles in every issue that endorsed the ideas of Charles Darwin and his cronies. True, the theory of common descent through natural selection has been called the unifying concept for all of biology and one of the greatest scientific ideas of all time, but that was no excuse to be fanatics about it.
Where were the answering articles presenting the powerful case for scientific creationism? Why were we so unwilling to suggest that dinosaurs lived 6,000 years ago or that a cataclysmic flood carved the Grand Canyon? Blame the scientists. They dazzled us with their fancy fossils, their radiocarbon dating and their tens of thousands of peer-reviewed journal articles. As editors, we had no business being persuaded by mountains of evidence.’
`An Ohio teen was severely traumatized after discovering the stars of a downloaded porno flick were none other than his own parents.
Timmy Shannon, 17, recalls the moment that scarred him for life. “I was like five minutes into this porno called Horny House Wives 4, when I thought to myself, ‘Hey, that couch looks exactly like the one I’m sitting on. Oh crap, it is!’ I remember the horror overcoming me when I realized the woman bent over that couch was my mother, and the guy giving it to her was my father. I instantly pulled my pants back up and vomited.”‘
`German electronics company Kleinhenz is shipping a network-enabled Linux system barely larger than a standard RJ-45 Ethernet jack. “Picotux” is based on the DigiConnect ME module from NetSilicon, along with a 2.4.27 uClinux port that was probably developed by German embedded system specialist FS Forth Systeme.’
`Experimenters burst water balloons in the low-gravity environment produced aboard a NASA Glenn DC-9 aircraft.
The tests were conducted in part to develop the ability to rapidly deploy large liquid drops by rupturing an enclosing membrane. As can be seen from the experiment footage, the initial rupture process is nearly ideal, but the finite size of the balloon material eventually ejects a spray from the drop surface. Then, when the balloon material leaves the drop entirely, it causes a large deformation of the drop (blob) which oscillates throughout the remainder of the test. Calculations suggest that such oscillations will continue for hours before the drop eventually becomes spherical. Highspeed photographs of punctured Water Balloons in a Lab were also taken.’
`Billy Idol has decided to rebel against the ageing process by shaving off his grey pubic hair.
Idol, who has been bleaching the hair on his head for decades, has now resorted to a new tactic to combat unwanted colour on his hair down below.
The 49-year-old rocker told Maxim magazine: “I shaved my balls – they were going grey, I so I shaved them. It’s like steel wool down there!”‘
`A state trooper was suspended for 15 days without pay after he was recorded on a 911 tape saying “too bad” to a caller seeking help for a man injured in a motorcycle accident.
State police said the dismissive answer by Trooper Robert Peasley did not affect the response time to the accident involving Justin Sawyer, 21, who died of a severe head injury a week after the crash last August. Peasley was suspended on Monday.
Russell Shepard, a friend of Sawyer’s, called 911, which was routed to the state police barracks in Montville. When he reported the accident, Peasley said, “Yeah … too bad,” and hung up, according to a tape obtained by WTNH-TV.’
`Scented candles are available in just about any fragrance from blueberry to ocean mist.
Now, there�s a candle that lets you experience the scent of Jesus.
That�s right. And they�ve been selling out by the case.
Makers of the candle called �His Essence� say you�ll experience the fragrance of Christ.
Bob and Karen Tosterud say it�s right in the Bible, that Jesus� garments had the scent of myrrh, aloe and cassia.’
`Sweden’s anti-piracy organisation, Antipiratbyr� (APB), established to combat the illegal downloading of copyright-protected films and games, has been accused of illegally downloading copyright-protected films and games – in an attempt to plant evidence against internet service provider Bahnhof.
The APB was behind a raid against Bahnhof two weeks ago, which resulted in the confiscation of servers containing thousands of film, music and games files. APB lawyer Henrik Pont�n declared that “this is just the start” and brazenly admitted that the organisation had used a paid infiltrator at Bahnhof.
But on Tuesday Bahnhof released the results of its own internal investigation. According to managing director Jon Karlung, the APB infiltrator had himself carried out over 68,000 uploads and downloads of copyright-protected material on Bahnhof’s servers.’
‘Russian doctors have conducted an 11-hour operation to replace a patient’s deformed penis with one grown on his forearm, the Moskovskiy Komsomolets daily reports.
The 30-year-old Russian man, whose name was changed in the article to protect his privacy, had a defect from birth — his penis was crooked, two-and-a-half-inches long and lacked a scrotum, the newspaper writes.
The doctors had the penis removed and attached to the man’s arm. Using his body tissue it grew to six-and-a-half inches and was sewn back on to his groin. Silicone tubes were inserted into the organ to ensure an erection was possible. Doctors also created a scrotum from the patient’s own skin and placed silicone testicles in it.’
`Scientists at MIT’s Media Lab in the United States have invented an alarm clock called Clocky to make even the doziest sleepers, who repeatedly hit the snooze button, leap out of bed.
After the snooze button is pressed, the clock, which is equipped with a set of wheels, rolls off the table to another part of the room.
“When the alarm sounds again, simply finding Clocky ought to be strenuous enough to prevent even the doziest owner from going back to sleep,” New Scientist said on Tuesday.’
`”I did it about two years ago. All my race grid queen and model friends have done it, too,” Miho, a 23-year-old hostess at a posh Ginza club tells Asahi Geino (3/31).
Miho, the men’s weekly notes, is talking about permanent hair removal…from her anus. She’s apparently just one of the growing numbers of young Japanese women who’re tackling their complex over having hairy butts.
“Pubes are a real pain,” Miho says. “On the night before a date with my boyfriend, I have to pluck all the hairs sticking out one by one. I have to screw myself around in all these weird positions to get at them and it hurts my neck and my eyes.”‘
`A Maori healer who used traditional indigenous practices to treat patients has been jailed for three and a half years for sexually violating two patients with potatoes.
Sending Christopher Tuaupiki, 64, to prison, a judge in the High Court in the North Island city of Hamilton told him it was “sad that a good reputation had been shattered” when he was found guilty on five sex charges after a week-long trial, the Waikato Times newspaper reported.’
`Scientists from the University of Birmingham’s Nanoscale Science Facility have made a breakthrough in manipulating the smallest single molecules and atoms by devising a new technique of molecular dissection which induces the “birth” of a daughter atom from the parent molecule. [..]
The new method, devised by Professor Richard Palmer and Dr Peter Sloan, uses the tip of a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM) to inject two electrons into the parent chlorobenzine molecule to induce a dissociation event – the first electron sets the molecule into vibration and the second electron breaks the bond between the parent molecule and daughter chlorine atom.’
`A southern California man has a beef with Los Angeles � it�s just become home to a large extraterrestrial butcher shop.
E.T. expert Dr. Terry Johnson claims the site of the �butcher shop� is a giant starship he recently discovered in the hillside community of Mount Washington in northeast L.A.
Although the starship can�t be seen because it�s in a slightly different dimension, Johnson says the aliens who man the craft are able to abduct hundreds of humans into the ship at will.
He claims harvested humans are then transported to �Negra,� a star system one billion light years away where human flesh is considered a delicacy.’
`In an effort to increase pressure on North Korea, the Bush administration told its Asian allies in briefings earlier this year that Pyongyang had exported nuclear material to Libya. That was a significant new charge, the first allegation that North Korea was helping to create a new nuclear weapons state.
But that is not what U.S. intelligence reported, according to two officials with detailed knowledge of the transaction. North Korea, according to the intelligence, had supplied uranium hexafluoride — which can be enriched to weapons-grade uranium — to Pakistan. It was Pakistan, a key U.S. ally with its own nuclear arsenal, that sold the material to Libya. The U.S. government had no evidence, the officials said, that North Korea knew of the second transaction.’
`An Indian bride was married off to a pot by her relatives after her groom failed to turn up for the ceremony.
Savita took her vows with a clay pot when her fiance Chaman Singh, a police officer, got stranded on the border because of heavy snowfall, reports newspaper Deccan Herald.’
`A new version of a biological computer has been built that can run up to a billion different programs simultaneously.
The computer, developed at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, is made entirely of DNA molecules and enzymes.
It is an improvement over a previous version built three years ago by scientists at Technion and Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science.
That version was limited to 765 simultaneous programs.’
`A Providence high school student has been suspended from school after he photographed the principal smoking on school grounds, and posting the pictures on the Internet.
Eliazar Velasquez, a sophomore at Central High School, snapped pictures of Principal Elaine Almagno smoking a cigarette outside a school door earlier this month. Smoking within 25 feet of a school violates state law.
Velasquez then posted the pictures on a Web site, and distributed fliers at school telling students where to find the pictures.’