`The Dogone – Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad is a comfortable and least intrusive means for deodorizing gassy discharges in a thong design. This will eliminate pet odors and dog odors from flatus or flatulence.
Uses our famous activated charcoal cloth (washable and reusable)! A starter hole is placed in the cloth in order to help you locate the suggested tail hole. Carefully measure tail and cut-out hole to proper size. Elastic straps are used for flexibility. Suspender clips are used to make the garment totally adjustable. They also provide quick release for allowing the dog out to do his business.
Patent Pending’
`The US military plans to detonate a 700 tonne explosive charge in a test called “Divine Strake” that will send a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas, a senior defense official said.
“I don’t want to sound glib here but it is the first time in Nevada that you’ll see a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas since we stopped testing nuclear weapons,” said James Tegnelia, head of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
Tegnelia said the test was part of a US effort to develop weapons capable of destroying deeply buried bunkers housing nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
“We have several very large penetrators we’re developing,” he told defense reporters.’
Lots of videos of nuclear explosions.
`Two local teens face murder charges after they allegedly chased a man who mooned them and bludgeoned him to death.
Martin Malone, 47, of Clifton Heights, Pa., died Friday night in the attack in Upper Darby, Pa. [..]
Investigators said Malone was sifting through trash at a Dumpster when Christopher McEneaney, 16, and Andre Mark, 18, started calling Malone names.
People who knew Malone said he was looking for objects to resell.
Investigators said the pair threw rocks at Malone and he mooned the teens, and they became upset.’
`Today I learned from a trusted source that Apple is poised to make history next Saturday when it unveils the worlds first advertisement that can be seen from space.
Apple had hoped to keep their creation secret until the grand unveiling, however, after I was tipped off, and with just a little bit of lateral digging, I was able to uncover enough background information to get a clue of the location.
From there, it was just a matter of firing up Google Earth, and hunting for it! The pictures are a few months old, but clearly show the advert well on the way to completion.
The sheer size of the publicity stunt is difficult to comprehend. It covers 893240 square metres; roughly equivalent to eighty football pitches.’
These people are insane. Launching themselves straight up into the air with a giant catapault then parachuting back to earth.
(10.8meg Quicktime)
`The U.N. Security Council gave Iran 30 days to clear up suspicions that it is seeking nuclear weapons, and key members turned their focus on what to do if Iran refuses to suspend uranium enrichment and allow more intrusive inspections.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Berlin on Thursday for discussions between the five permanent council members the United States, Russia, China Britain and France plus Germany, on how much and what kind of pressure to exert on Iran if it refuses to comply.
After three weeks of intense negotiations, the 15-member Security Council approved a statement Wednesday asking the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, to report back in 30 days on Iran’s compliance with demands to stop enriching uranium.’
Like it matters. The US government no doubt already knows if it wants to invade Iran or not, and the UN isn’t going to sway them at all.
`A device that can pick up on people’s emotions is being developed to help people with autism relate to those around them. It will alert its autistic user if the person they are talking to starts showing signs of getting bored or annoyed. [..]
The “emotional social intelligence prosthetic” device, which El Kaliouby is constructing along with MIT colleagues Rosalind Picard and Alea Teeters, consists of a camera small enough to be pinned to the side of a pair of glasses, connected to a hand-held computer running image recognition software plus software that can read the emotions these images show. If the wearer seems to be failing to engage his or her listener, the software makes the hand-held computer vibrate.’
`A four-year-old girl has been airlifted to hospital after a savage rooster attack left her with a collapsed lung.
“She had been pecked quite savagely on the face, the neck and it appears it did pierce her windpipe,” said NRMA CareFlight helicopter spokesman, Ian Badham.
Grace Angel, who lives on a farm near Mudgee, was airlifted to Orange Base Hospital last night before being flown on to Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney.
Her uncle, Ben Angel, told smh.com.au that Grace and her two sisters were “feeding the chooks” when the rooster went “berko”.’
`Superstar Whitney Houston has spiralled into a world of squalor and degradation on deadly crack � as the shocking pictures in today’s Sun newspaper reveal.
It shows the disgusting mess in the singer�s bathroom after a drug binge.
Drug paraphernalia including a crack-smoking pipe, rolling papers, cocaine-caked spoons and cigarette ends are strewn across the surface tops.
But Whitney, 42, no longer cares.
She was one of the biggest female artists of her generation � with a string of �80s and �90s hit singles like I Wanna Dance With Somebody and more than 100million albums sold.
Now she is a paranoid wreck hopelessly hooked on crack.’
`A Boston detective searching the apartment of a drug suspect wound up wrestling a sack containing 108 bags of marijuana out of the clenched jaws of a pitbull named Prada.
The dog was running around carrying a tan-colored bag Tuesday as police were searching the apartment, where they had already found a loaded gun, $1,000 cash and 14 bags of marijuana.
Prada did not give up without a fight.’
`There is a small town in Pennsylvania called Ashland where Route 61’s northbound traffic is temporarily branched onto a short detour. Exactly what the detour is circumventing is not immediately clear to travelers, however few passers-by pay it any mind� a detour is nothing unusual. But anyone who ignores the detour and ventures along the original route 61 highway will soon encounter an abrupt and unexplained road closure. Beyond it lies a town filled with overgrown streets, smoldering earth, and ominous warning signs. It is the remains of the borough of Centralia. [..]
In 1962, workers set a heap of trash ablaze in an abandoned mine pit which was used as the borough’s landfill. The burning of excess trash was a common practice, yet at that particular time and place there existed a dangerous condition: an exposed vein of anthracite coal. The highly flammable mineral was unexpectedly ignited by the trash fire, prompting a quick effort to put it out. The flames on the surface were successfully extinguished, but unbeknownst to the fire fighters, the coal continued to burn underground. [..]’
`A Littleton man who admitted breaking into homes and masturbating was bound over for trial in Jefferson County Tuesday on charges of burglary with intent to litter, the Rocky Mountain News reported.
Robert Kent Peterson, 45, is free on a $50,000 bond, until his trial.
The Lockheed Martin employee was arrested last on Feb. 3 after a woman said she found him hiding her daughter’s bedroom closet in the 9600 block of West Chatfield Avenue. He allegedly told the woman that he worked for a plumbing company.’
`An ambulance company has responded to oversize needs in southern Nevada by providing an ambulance equipped to handle patients weighing 500 pounds or more.
“We’re getting more and more requests to transport larger patients every day,” said Roy Carroll, operations manager at American Medical Response, one of two companies with Clark County Fire Department contracts to provide medical transport in and around Las Vegas.
Crews have called 75 times in the last six months for additional manpower to handle morbidly obese patients, said Chris Piper, a western regional spokesman for Greenwood, Colo.-based AMR. He said the largest patients weighed more than 500 pounds.’
`Microsoft is moving full steam ahead with a plan to permanently modify the way Internet Explorer renders multimedia content on Web pages, but in what amounts to an admission that the changes could be disruptive, the software maker plans to give Web developers an extra 60 days to continue making preparations. [..]
“Despite what Microsoft says about minimal impact, it makes it much harder to use an application that has a lot of ActiveX or Applets. Each time you load a page with a control, you have to activate it. So if the user goes to PageA with a control and activates it, then goes to PageB with a control and activates that one, if they then go back to PageA again then have to activate it again,” said the source, who requested anonymity.
He said software vendors and sites that use ActiveX, Flash and Applets “will get a lot of howls” from users when the update ships on April 11.’
`The most memorable moment of Terica Washington’s 30th birthday Monday was looking into the sky and seeing an airplane towing a black banner with words written in white: “6/6/06 You have been warned”.
She was alarmed enough to call the FBI.
“It made me feel really creepy, especially in this day and age,” said Washington, who works at Ocean Walk Resort. Noting that June 6 is a Tuesday, she drew the connection to Sept. 11, 2001, also a Tuesday.
“I thought it might be terrorists,” she said.’
`A drunk driver just 100 yards from Australia’s iconic giant monolith once known as Ayers Rock stopped police to ask the way to the 1,100-foot-high rock.
The headlights of the man’s car were actually shining on Uluru, which has a 5.8-mile circumference, Northern Territory police said.
The 44-year-old man, whose car was also towing an aluminum boat, has been charged with drunk driving and unlicensed driving.’
`A charity foundation�s former accountant, accused of embezzling heart disease research funds to pay a dominatrix to beat him, pleaded guilty Tuesday to grand larceny and admitted he stole more than $237,000.
Abraham Alexander, 45, of East Meadow, N.Y., admitted taking the money from the Cardiovascular Research Foundation by using company credit cards and writing checks to himself.
At least $11,000 went to pay Through the Looking Glass, an online company run by Columbus-based dominatrix, and other charges included flights between New York and Ohio and car rentals, according to District Attorney Robert Morgenthau�s office.’
`US President George W. Bush made clear to British Prime Minister Tony Blair in January 2003 that he was determined to invade Iraq without a UN resolution and even if UN arms inspectors failed to find weapons of mass destruction in the country, The New York Times reported.
Citing a confidential British memorandum, the newspaper said the president was certain that war was inevitable and made his view known during a private two-hour meeting with Blair in the Oval Office on January 31, 2003. [..]
“‘The start date for the military campaign was now penciled in for 10 March,’ Mr. Manning wrote, paraphrasing the president. ‘This was when the bombing would begin’,” the paper continued.
The timetable came at an important diplomatic moment, the paper said.
Five days after the Bush-Blair meeting, then US secretary of state Colin Powell was scheduled to appear before the United Nations to present evidence that Iraq posed a threat to world security by hiding unconventional weapons.’
`A South African dominatrix has given up her battle to live in a vicarage, telling the church’s congregation they can “shove” the disputed residence, a local newspaper reported Wednesday.
The Pretoria News said Marianne Ellis had been renting the manse, or vicarage, at the Doornkloof Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk near Pretoria for some time when church elders discovered her sideline as a local dominatrix and asked her to move.
Ellis and her husband at first sought to fight the church in court, but Tuesday decided to back down, the newspaper said.
“It is a long story, but basically I am tired of fighting, really tired. They can take their manse back, in fact they can shove it,” she told the newspaper.’
`uesday a Fenton chiropractor was charged with sexually assaulting his patients. Investigators say Dr. Robert Moore inappropriately touched three of his patients numerous times.
After taking a look at the evidence, Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton has decided to charge Moore with 10 counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.
Moore walked into court with his wife on one arm and his bible in the other. He faced the judge, who charged him with 10 counts of 4th degree criminal sexual conduct. [..]
“He touched their breasts, saying he had to do it as part of the adjustment and in one instance he said he had to because their breasts were uneven and he had to do something about it,” Leyton said.’
`A cranky koala achieved what an angry croc couldn’t – it beat off thieves.
The bizarre incident began when Rockhampton police in Queensland received a tip-off that someone had a crocodile in their possession.
“The police came to the zoo, checked out our exhibit and we were down a female freshwater crocodile,” said Tom Wyatt at Rockhampton City Council. [..]
The thieves originally planned to take one of the zoo’s koalas and only changed tack after it proved too vicious, 21-year-old zookeeper Wil Kemp told smh.com.au.
He had been told by police that four people were involved in the wildlife heist, which allegedly involved stealing a koala and swapping it for drugs.’
`While the X86 world hops from one to two processing cores, startup Azul Systems plans to integrate 48 cores on its second-generation Vega chip, expected next year.
Azul has become one of the hottest young companies in California thanks to its network-attached systems for accelerating Java and other virtual-machine performance.
The first-generation Vega processor it designed has 24 cores but the firm expects to double that level of integration in systems generally available next year with the Vega 2, built on TSMC�s 90nm process and squeezing in 812 million transistors. The progress means that Azul�s Compute Appliances will offer up to 768-way symmetric multiprocessing.’
`Fine example of a WW II Enigma cipher machine in a very good condition and a great history; full functional. Year of construction 1941 by Manufacturer Chiffriermaschinen Gesellschaft Heimsoeth and Rinke, Berlin. The Enigma machine is placed in an oak woodwork case. Three high-quality, all-metal, matched rotors and an Umkehrwalze �B�. The rotors are continuous numbered; serial numbers has been removed. There are two spare rotors in an additional small wooden box. Plug board is lettered QWERTZU�, wheels numbered 1-26. 100% Original!!! No Copy!!’
`Frustrated husband Rudolf Gibbs was taken to court � for breaking his wife�s Rampant Rabbit vibrator.
Gibbs, 61, had not been sleeping with her and was angry after finding the sex toy hidden at their home.
The court heard that he burst into his wife�s bedroom to confront her. Gibbs sat with his head bowed in the dock as prosecutor Vinit Kotecha said: �He found her sex toy, which was a Rampant Rabbit.
�He entered her bedroom with the instrument and challenged her about it, saying, �Why don�t you use it now?�
�He said, �Make love to this� � then he damaged it.�
Gibbs, married for 28 years, was charged with causing criminal damage after his furious wife called in cops. He pleaded guilty to one charge of causing �38 worth of criminal damage to the toy.’
`Only three things are certain in life. MySpace, Taxes, and Death.
If you have a MySpace account and you die, this is where you will end up.
MyDeathSpace.com memorializes deceased MySpace users and picks up where a regular obituary leaves off.
Click the MySpace Deaths link at the top to view the latest MySpace Deaths!’
`Law enforcement officials say the other players who dog-piled the 15-year-old and pinned him on the Sierra Vista gym floor were engaged in horseplay and unaware Starring was assaulting the boy.
Police reports and district attorney’s office documents detailing the allegations against him are not public, because Starring has not been charged as an adult. But a source told the Review-Journal the sexual assault count stems from allegations that Starring penetrated the 15-year-old player’s rectum with his finger while the boy was being held down by fellow players during a brief “horseplay” episode in the school’s gymnasium.
The open and gross lewdness counts arise from accusations that Starring groped the 15-year-old’s buttocks and testicles, the source said.’
Very cool little time killer.
`Come 2012 and it will be rare to see people defecating in the open in India. So claims Rural Development Minister Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, who went on to say that the country was set to achieve ‘open-defecation free’ status under the government’s Total Sanitation Programme (TSC).
‘Open defecation is slowly losing popularity in rural India, and the government is doing all efforts to end this for all by 2012,’ Singh told IANS.
The TSC was started in 1999 by the rural development ministry to ensure sanitation facilities across the country.
‘The growth in the use of toilets from 22 percent in 2001 to 38 percent of the population in 2006 (till February) is an encouraging sign. The government has raised the grant for construction of household toilets from Rs.625 to Rs.1,500.’
`Many Americans are sleep-deprived zombies, and a quarter of us now use some form of sleeping pill or aid at night.
Wake up, says psychiatry professor Daniel Kripke of the University of California, San Diego. The pill-taking is real, but the refrain that Americans are sleep-deprived originates largely from people funded by the drug industry or with financial interests in sleep-research clinics.
“They think that scaring people about sleep increases their income,” Kripke told LiveScience.
Thanks to the marketing of less addictive drugs directly to consumers, sleeping pills have become a hot commodity, especially in the past five years.’