
Saturday, February 3, 2007


Paris Hilton: ‘We’re like two niggers’

‘In the footage, Paris and her sister Nicky are at a house party dancing by themselves to the sounds of Notorious B.I.G.’s “Hypnotize.” A male friend who dances in between them was referred to as a “faggot” by both Hilton sisters.

Then, at about 2 minutes and 45 seconds into the footage, Paris approaches the camera and laughs, “We’re like two niggers.”

The “Simple Life” star, who recently reunited with her black former best friend, Nicole Richie, steps to the camera again at about 3:55 to vent about a run-in with a woman at the party, whom she describes as a “fuckin’ hoodlum, broke, poor bitch from like, Compton – public school bitch.”

To cap things off, the video ends with the videographer yelling, “Todd’s a thug nigga.”’

2 Responses to “Paris Hilton: ‘We’re like two niggers’”

  1. Rafur Says:

    I just something to sing:
    “I am Paris bitch… and I have herpes”

  2. Todd Gwynn Says:

    She is so hot.

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