
Sunday, April 22, 2007


Dad makes son wear sign for using drugs

‘A father says he wasn’t trying to shame his 14-year-old son when he made the boy wear a large sandwich-board sign saying, “I abused and sold drugs.” [..]

“I’m doing this because I love him,” he said. “We do have an extreme drug problem in America, and maybe it’s time for extreme measures that parents need to take to monitor this problem that we have.” [..]

The father said he recently learned after reading the boy’s MySpace page that his son was involved with marijuana and OxyContin. That’s when he decided to act, and the boy agreed to the punishment. [..]

By then the boy said he’d learned his lesson. “This is embarrassing. I ain’t going to be doing it again,” the boy said. “Drugs are for losers. That’s all I can say.”‘

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