
Friday, February 18, 2005


How to Get Man Boobs

`You know you’ve dreamed of it since you were a little boy. You admired your mother’s ample bosom, grew green with envy when your sister began sprouting hers, couldn’t stop staring at stranger’s ones (still can’t, can you?), and now can’t get enough of your girlfriend’s/wife’s ones.

I’m talkin’ about Boobs! And now, thanks to the miracle that is tape, you yourself can also have this holiest of holies. In a quick 5 minutes, eHacked.com will transform you from an overweight pile of sludge, to the desire of all men all across the world.’

3 Responses to “How to Get Man Boobs”

  1. mike Says:

    i love my man boobs, and i like that idea a lot i think ill try it

  2. Nick Says:

    i have a pair of overweight man boobs, i really love this idea it really makes your moobs look like boobs

  3. jim5 Says:

    i too have breasts. One good way to grow them is to take the contraceptive pill -Diane 35. You have to take about 4 or 6 a day tho. Most of the katoeys (transexuals) in Thailand use this drug.
    I buy it online.
    It does tend to lower your sex drive tho.

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