Friday, March 4, 2005


moonbuggy is moving..

I’m moving house over the weekend and I don’t have internet access for the new place setup yet. Updates might be a bit sparse for the next week or so.

If you’re bored, check out the sites on the links page. I steal pretty much all the good stuff from those sites anyways.

If you’re _really_ bored, do some Google searches from the search page and click the ads that pop up. Do this repeatedly until you have RSI. Make me rich. 🙂

2 Responses to “moonbuggy is moving..”

  1. kieranmushroom Says:

    Oi – happy birthday, old man.

    It was Sunday, wasn’t it?

  2. kieranmushroom Says:

    …and check this out while you’re at it.

    So funny…

    Biker gets two penises

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