
Saturday, October 8, 2005


Author says Harry Potter is gay


‘A British cleric turned top-selling author of supernatural children’s novels was thrown out of a school where he was delivering a talk after he told pupils that Harry Potter was “gay.”

Reverend Graham Taylor, who penned the novel “Shadowmancer” which, like the tales of the famous boy wizard created by J.K. Rowling, centers on witchcraft and battling evil, got his marching orders after teachers accused him of homophobia.

“As for Harry Potter, well, he’s not the only gay in the village,” the former Anglican priest told children at Penair School in Truro, southwest England, referring to a catchphrase from the popular British comedy TV show “Little Britain.”

He also described the villains in Rowling’s blockbuster series as “wimps” and called TV “crap” compared to books.’

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