
Sunday, October 23, 2005


Nude man apprehended at gas station

`According to the affidavit of probable cause filed in the case, police were notified about 12:45 a.m., when a Snappy’s employee called to report a partially clothed man — later identified as Schreck — inside the store. Employees said he was only wearing a pair of red-and-yellow boxer shorts and a black T-shirt. They asked him to leave because he was not wearing socks or shoes.

According to court documents, a witness said Schreck was then observed walking across the street to Frosty Stop, where he tried to break into a van parked there. He removed his shirt and underwear and then pulled down some aluminum spouting, the witness told police. He then tried to break into a nearby home before walking back over to Snappy’s, the witness said.

State police said Schreck was found with the kerosene nozzle into his mouth, and officers asked him to remove it. [..]’

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