`A home in eastern Iowa no longer has the power to scare off underground aliens.
Police have taken away a device from a home in Davenport after its new tenants discovered a box containing what they thought was a bomb.
But the house’s former owner said it was designed to scare off aliens living underground.
Jessica Harper moved out of the house last month and left behind the box. She said she got it from her mother’s friend, an astrologer who Harper describes as “off his rocker.”‘
`A second-grader brought more than a dozen bags of marijuana on a school field trip to a local museum for a little show-and-tell of his own, police said.
The 8-year-old boy, a pupil at Dunbar School, was seen stuffing the small bags into his pockets while on the bus ride Friday to the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University in New Haven, police said.
The bus returned to school where the boy’s parents were called. Police said the boy was off the hook after his teen-age uncle admitted the drugs were his.’
`This is but one horrific example of the tactics used by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to stifle legitimate dissent and violate the civil rights of political groups that the administration dislikes. Along with the anti-war movement, the Nixon White House targeted the civil rights movement for disruption, using on-campus informants to infiltrate and in many cases to disrupt legal protests and activism.
This coloring book, which was purported to be from the Black Panthers, had actually been rejected by them when it was brought to them by a man later revealed to have intelligence connections. Not to be troubled by the fact that the Panthers found the coloring book revolting, the FBI added even more offensive illustrations, and mass mailed it across America. It so infuriated the white population that they stopped listening to the legitimate grievances of the black people.’
`A Brooklyn father getting a tattoo called “Last Rites” inked into his flesh passed out and crashed headfirst into a glass counter yesterday, killing himself, police and witnesses said.
Joaquin Laguer, 27, nearly was decapitated during the horrific accident inside Buzz Tattoo, an unlicensed parlor in East Williamsburg.
“There was nothing I could do,” said shaken tattoo artist Julio Ramos, 36. “I was kneeling next to him, praying to God. My assistant said, ‘He’s gone.'”‘
`Playboy TV is looking for a person experienced in viewing programmes for television broadcast for compliance with Ofcom regulations, ideally with an understanding of the rules applied to late-night erotica.
The ideal candidate will be available immediately to work for about one month, although this may be extended.’
This guy spins around for quite a long time. Pretty crazy.
I’d be dizzy. π
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Just something I randomly signed up for that requires me to put a link on my main page.

`When you get an itch in that most awkward of spots, what’s a man to do? The only problem is that while fellow blokes understand the need to have a good old scratch sometimes, the female of the species tend to be disgusted for some unknown reason. But now you don’t have to suffer in silence. The Gentleman’s Ball Scratcher is the sophisticated solution to this irritating issue.’
`Dr. Language has provided a one-stop cure for all your spelling ills. Here are the 100 words most often misspelled (‘misspell’ is one of them). Each word has a mnemonic pill with it and, if you swallow it, it will help you to remember how to spell the word. Master the orthography of the words on this page and reduce the time you spend searching dictionaries by 50%’
This is cool. π
I want a pet bear. Tho, specifically a polar bear. I’d ride it around the town.
`Developed by Dr. Harold Edgerton in the 1940s, the Rapatronic photographic technique allowed very early times in a nuclear explosion’s fireball growth to be recorded on film. The exposures were often as short as 10 nanoseconds, and each Rapatronic camera would take exactly one photograph.
A bank of four to ten or more such cameras were arranged at tests to record different moments of early fireball growth.
They provide technical information about the device’s disassembly. In some of the images shown below, accelerating bomb debris ‘splashes’ on a relatively slower growing fireball surface, creating irregularities and mottling.’
Cool nuclear fireball goodness. π
`A London underground station was evacuated and part of a main east-west line closed in a security alert on Thursday, three weeks after suicide bombers killed 52 people on the transport network, police said. (Reuters)
This Reuters story was written while the police were detaining me in Southwark tube station and the bomb squad was checking my rucksack. When they were through, the two explosive specialists walked out of the tube station smiling and commenting: “Nice laptop.” The officers offered apologies on behalf of the Metropolitan police. Then they arrested me.’
`HotBits is an Internet resource that brings genuine random numbers, generated by a process fundamentally governed by the inherent uncertainty in the quantum mechanical laws of nature, directly to your computer in a variety of forms. HotBits are generated by timing successive pairs of radioactive decays detected by a Geiger-Mόller tube interfaced to a computer. You order up your serving of HotBits by filling out a request form specifying how many random bytes you want and in which format you’d like them delivered. Your request is relayed to the HotBits server, which flashes the random bytes back to you over the Web. Since the HotBits generation hardware produces data at a modest rate (about 30 bytes per second), requests are usually filled from an “inventory” of pre-built HotBits. Once the random bytes are delivered to you, they are immediately discarded–the same data will never be sent to any other user and no records are kept of the data at this or any other site. (Of course, if you’re using the random data for cryptography or other security-related applications, you can’t be certain I’m not squirreling away a copy. But I’m not, really.)’
Mirrors and lasers and things.
`It all started one day with this guy, the origional Etherkiller, developed with a few misc parts to warn new users that the IT department is not to be messed with. You too can make one at home, connect the transmit pins of the RJ-45 to HOT on 110VAC and the recieve pins to Common. Modify to suit tase by varying pinout.
This led to some general discussion that this particular device really is in a class of devices, now called the “killers”, which need to be made.’
`I built a Mini-ITX based massively parallel cluster named PROTEUS. I have 12 nodes using VIA EPIA V8000, 800 MHz motherboards. The little machine is running FreeBSD 4.8, and MPICH Troubles installing and configuring Free BSD and MPICH were few. In fact, there were no major issues with either FreeBSD or MPICH.
The construction is simple and inexpensive. The motherboards were stacked using threaded aluminum standoffs and then mounted on aluminum plates. Two stacks of three motherboards were assembled into each rack. Diagonal stiffeners were fabricated from aluminum angle stock to reduce flexing of the rack assembly.
The controlling node has a 160 GB ATA-133 HDD, and the computational nodes use 340 MB IBM microdrives in compact flash to IDE adapters. For file I/O, the computational nodes mount a partition on the controlling node’s hard drive by means of a network file system mount point.
Each motherboard is powered by a Morex DC-DC converter, and the entire cluster is powered by a rather large 12V DC switching power supply.
With the exception of the metalwork, power wiring, and power/reset switching, everything is off the shelf.’
Three hours worth of physics videos, broken up into small chunks.
Another fat lady fipping out.
(2meg Windows Media)
see it here »
Some reported gets given shit by the news anchors when some guys walk buy while she’s going live to air in a canoe – showing the water is only ankle deep.
In another broadcast a bit later on there’s no canoe. π
via Crooks and Liars.
(6meg and 1meg respectively, Windows Media)
A hilarious article on Something Awful. With photos of the people who use these sorts of forums. π
She’s angry because of illegal photographing trespassers. Or maybe they’re illegal trespassing photographers. Either way, SHE WANTS TO KNOW THEIR NAMES!
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`Jarvis had assigned her senior civics and economics class “to take photographs to illustrate their rights in the Bill of Rights,” she says. One student “had taken a photo of George Bush out of a magazine and tacked the picture to a wall with a red thumb tack through his head. Then he made a thumb’s-down sign with his own hand next to the President’s picture, and he had a photo taken of that, and he pasted it on a poster.”
According to Jarvis, the student, who remains anonymous, was just doing his assignment, illustrating the right to dissent. But over at the Kitty Hawk Wal-Mart, where the student took his film to be developed, this right is evidently suspect.
An employee in that Wal-Mart photo department called the Kitty Hawk police on the student. And the Kitty Hawk police turned the matter over to the Secret Service. On Tuesday, September 20, the Secret Service came to Currituck High.’
`A Best Buy customer threatened to kill a female employee Tuesday after complaining that he purchased a $1,300 computer, only to find wooden blocks inside the box once he got home.
According to police reports, the customer came to the store to make the complaint, but became enraged after being told nothing could be done for him. Police said the customer ignored two requests to leave the store, telling the manager, “What are you gonna do, big guy?”‘
`Enter your URL above to see what your site will look like in search-engine results, for instance www.evolt.org. See how search-engine friendly your site is, can the spider crawl it easily? Will it get good rankings?’