Archive for October, 2005


Saturday, October 15, 2005


No More Bush

`Anti Bush campaign by 8 of the Webs Hottest Chicks!’

(11.5meg Windows Media)

Broken Scripts and Things

I’m still playing with the backend of my site a bit. At the moment there are a few broken pages caused by dodgy strings I’m feeeding to PHP. I’m sorting it out as errors appear in my logs. Please bear with me. 🙂

Everything should be working in the next couple of days. If you find something broken, let me know.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Jehovah’s Witnesses Illustrations

Pictures from the Watchtower. They seem to be pretty happy that cities are being destroyed around them.


Youth feeds zoo rabbit to ‘gator

`Zoo director Chris Jackson said staff and visitors were “sickened” by the “senseless barbarity” of the rabbit’s death.

Staff detained one youth and handed him over to police, but two more got away. [..]

He said: “They looked at the alligators, then went into the children’s farm and looked at the rabbits. [..]”‘


Large Model Rocket Used to Conceal – And Potentially Discard – Ice Methamphetamine

`On July 15, 2005, the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri announced the federal grand jury indictment of two Kentucky men on charges that they had conspired to distribute methamphetamine. The two Caucasian males had obtained ice methamphetamine from Mexican sources of supply in Omaha (NE) and were transporting the drugs to Louisville (KY) for distribution. The men concealed the ice methamphetamine in the body of a motorized, 3-foot hobby rocket connected by wires to the vehicle’s cigarette lighter (see Photo 12). If stopped by law enforcement officers en route to their destination, they planned to open the trunk of the vehicle, raise the methamphetamine-filled rocket into launching position using a string and pulley system, and launch the rocket into the air (see Photo 13).’

I’ve blogged this before, but this time there are photos of the setup. Scroll down.

Forchion openly supports potheads

`In the past, Edward Forchion has run for office to promote the legalization of marijuana.

This year, he is taking a more extreme stance in his bid for governor.

“This time it’s a whole angrier thing,” said Forchion, 41. “I’m openly advocating that my whole reason for running for office is to specifically give the finger to the attorney general, the Republicans and the Democrats.”

Forchion, of Browns Mills in Pemberton Township, is angry over being jailed for five months in late 2002 for filming ads advocating the legalization of marijuana while he was on probation for possession and intent to distribute the drug.’


Weird contraception

`People have come up with bizarre, and often totally misguided, methods to prevent pregnancy over the years. Like wearing the testicles of a weasel on their thighs. Or amulets with desiccated cat livers or shards of bones. Some were advised to use elephant dung as a spermicide. And others used wads of seaweed as a female condom.’

Hypno-robber strikes again

`Police are chasing a con artist who used hypnotism to steal tens of thousands of dollars from bank tellers in Moldova – eastern Europe’s poorest country.

The suspect, identified as Vladimir Kozak, 49, is believed to have stolen more than $40,000 from bank employees unable to resist his powers, police said yesterday.

Kozak’s biggest haul took place last week, where police say he convinced a teller to give him $12,000.

His technique was to gain eye contact, put his targets in a hypnotic state and convince them to hand over cash.’

Got any boob Marley?

`Computer chips that store music just like an iPod could soon be built into girls’ breast implants.

One boob could hold an MP3 player and the other the woman’s entire music collection.’

That’s about all there is. No evidence is given to back up the claim, except for a photo of some large breasts.


Scouting for `Camel Toads’ at the Pool

`I hope you can help me with a problem I have with my godson. Last summer he visited me for two weeks and plans to return in July. When cleaning out the room he stays in, I found an unfinished correspondence to a chum of his in his hometown. In it he says he is going to our local pool to “scout out some camel toads.” (I believe that’s what it said, he had spilled some iced tea all over the desk when writing it, and it damaged a lot of papers.) I’m concerned he is doing drugs.’


Vista licensing move pushes NSW governmental shift to Linux

`The NSW Office of State Revenue (OSR) is taking a tough stance against Microsoft’s decision to make the enterprise edition of Windows Vista only available to companies that have signed on to its Software Assurance programme. The tax collection agency has declared it would rather switch desktop operating systems than lock itself into Microsoft’s licensing regime.

Delivering a presentation at the South East Asian Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC 2005) in Sydney, OSR chief information officer Mike Kennedy and the agency’s manager of client services, Pravash Babhoota, confirmed they would start scoping for a move to a Linux desktop within six months.’


Guy Trying Out For Porn, Ends Badly

(4.7meg Windows media)


Tard admits abuse

`In my 7th grade class, we had a tard who was really good at math and growing facial hair, and really bad at just about everything else. He was pretty much harmless, which was a good thing since he was physically ahead of the rest of us by 5 years and probably could have kicked all of our asses at once, but there were some funny moments, one of which I still remember clear as a bell 15 years later.’

Weird Diseases

`Jumping Frenchman Disorder

The main characteristic is that patients are extremely startled by an unexpected noise or sight. It’s not just twitching when someone sneaks up behind you. Patients with this disorder flail their arms, cry out and repeat words. First identified in some of Maine’s lumberjacks of French-Canadian origin, the odd reflex has been identified in other parts of the world, too.’

Machine Makes Dishes on Demand

`MIT Media Lab’s Counter Intelligence Group, which develops innovative kitchen designs, has created a machine that makes dishes on demand and recycles them after diners have finished a meal. The dishes are made from food-grade, nontoxic acrylic wafers, which are shaped into cups, bowls and plates when heated, then resume their original wafer shape when they are reheated and pressed. [..]

The machine holds 150 acrylic wafers and can produce a dish every 90 seconds. The wafers produce plates that are only 6 inches in diameter, the size of an average salad or dessert plate, but the machine can be adapted to use larger wafers.

Bonanni says the DishMaker would be useful in restaurants, hospitals and other institutions that use a lot of dishes.’


Flaming Naked chick

I don’t know what was meant to happen, but it seems when you cover a naked girl in something flammable then ignite her, well, she ignites. [shrug]


Amazon hit by worst drought for 40 years

`Parts of the Amazon rainforest are enduring the worst drought for 40 years, prompting local government to declare several cities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas as disaster areas. Researchers say that rising sea temperatures in the North Atlantic, perhaps prompted by climate change, are probably to blame.

Researchers at a forest monitoring station in Santarém, where the Amazon and Tapajós rivers meet, report that water levels are some 15 metres lower than usual.

“Everybody has been taken by surprise,” says Paul Lefebvre, a researcher at the Woods Hole Research Center in Massachusetts, which runs the station.’

Hacking Firefox!

Links to some potentially useful stuff. Ad blocking, extensions, etc..


Iraq Car Bomb

A car bomb going off outside a base in Iraq. It doesn’t look like it was particularly effective, but it’s cool footage.

There’s a PDF storyboard of the event at Boing Boing but it didn’t work when I tried it. Also a photo of the wreckage.

(1.1meg Windows Media)

Premature ageing device that puts old wine in new bottles

`For those who yearn for a well-aged, full-bodied vintage wine but lack the funds to feed the habit, the solution may lie with a Japanese boffin, a zany-looking contraption, a couple of metres of latex tubing and a few hundred volts of electricity.

[..] The machine works by pumping wine and tap water through a specially designed electrolysis chamber equipped with wafer-thin platinum electrodes. The water and the wine are separated by an ion exchange membrane — the key component, for which Tanaka holds the patent.’

Soldiers of Christ II – Feeling the Hate

‘Since the reelection of George W. Bush in November, the rhetoric on the Christian right has grown triumphal and proud; rumors of spiritual war are abroad in the heartland, and fervent whispers of revolution echo among the pews and folding chairs of the nation’s megachurches. I have traveled to Anaheim, California, to observe the rising power of the evangelical political movement at first hand. Orange County, along with Colorado Springs, is a center of the new militant Christianity, and it is here, among friends, that the National Religious Broadcasters association—which brings together some 1,600 Christian radio and television broadcasters, who claim to reach up to 141 million listeners and viewers—is holding its annual convention. [..]

I can’t help but recall the words of my ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School, Dr. James Luther Adams, who told us that when we were his age, and he was then close to eighty, we would all be fighting the “Christian fascists.”

He gave us that warning twenty-five years ago, when Pat Robertson and other prominent evangelists began speaking of a new political religion that would direct its efforts at taking control of all major American institutions, including mainstream denominations and the government, so as to transform the United States into a global Christian empire. At the time, it was hard to take such fantastic rhetoric seriously. But fascism, Adams warned, would not return wearing swastikas and brown shirts. Its ideological inheritors would cloak themselves in the language of the Bible; they would come carrying crosses and chanting the Pledge of Allegiance.’

also Soldiers of Christ I.


Mom delivers 16th child, thinking of more

`Michelle Duggar just delivered her 16th child, and she’s already thinking about doing it again. [..]

Jim Bob Duggar, 40, said he and Michelle, 39, want more children.

“We both just love children and we consider each a blessing from the Lord. I have asked Michelle if she wants more and she said yes, if the Lord wants to give us some she will accept them,” he said in a telephone interview.’

Yes, his name is Jim Bob. But no, he doesn’t live in a trailer as you might expect.


Design A Planet

It’s not really a game, I s’pose, but it’s good to spend a few minutes playing with.

I got my planet orbiting a blue star and sustaining life after 10 turns or so. Funnily enough, I discovered planets three times the size of Jupiter oribiting closer than Mercury around a star significantly hotter than the sun won’t sustain life. 🙂


Man Allegedly Killed Over Wrong Sandwich Order

`A confrontation inside a Brewerytown store led to the death of a man who was thrown through a window.

Police said that the argument appeared to be about food that was prepared in the Community Food Market & Deli at the corner of 29th and Oxford streets.

Sources in the police department told NBC 10 News that there was a dispute between a customer and Emanuel Oliver, a 52-year-old man who made sandwiches in the store. A fight broke out and the employee crashed through the window. [..]

The crime scene unit said that they believe the glass came down on Oliver’s neck. He was taken to Hahneman Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.’


When Celebrities Attack: The Fridge!

`There is just something very satisfying about looking at a picture of a usually waif and sexy celebrity morphed into something that resembles a big chunk of Fat Ass America. Various photoshop users have submitted pics of celebrities who with some reverse air brushing now look like they subsist on a diet and exercise program of strictly ribs, milk-shakes and remote control curls as opposed to their usual regimen of cigarettes, coke and personal training sessions.’

Also the full gallery.

Financier in court on bestiality and cruelty charges

`Accused of bestiality with rabbits and their mutilation deaths, the 36-year-old New Zealand-born businessman found himself in the glare and flashes of television and newspaper cameras when he left Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court.

It was the first time the financier from Tamarama has had to face media in public since being granted $1000 bail three weeks ago. That court hearing was brought on a week ahead of schedule after he had been held in custody pending psychiatric assessment. [..]

Following his arrest last month, he maintained through his legal counsel that he had been in a drug-induced psychosis caused by smoking the methamphetamine drug “ice” when he committed the acts of cruelty.’

Sperm donor ordered to pay child support

`A Swedish man who donated his sperm to a lesbian couple must pay child support for the three children he fathered, Sweden’s Supreme Court has ruled.

The man, now 39, donated his sperm to the couple in the early 1990s.

Three sons were born during the years 1992-1996, according to Swedish news agency TT, which reported the ruling.

The man told the court that he and the women had agreed that he would play no role in the boys’ child-rearing and that the two women would be their parents.

Nonetheless, the man signed a document confirming that he was the biological father of the children.

Shortly after he signed the document, the two women separated and the biological mother demanded that the man pay child support.’


Trophy Penis Gives Away Tramp Murderer

‘The murder of a tramp was successfully solved in Russia’s southern port city of Novorossiisk after police discovered the victim’s penis on the person of the murderer. He had cut it off and kept it as a trophy, Russian news agency Regnum reported on Tuesday.

According to the agency, police discovered the dead body of a man in a garage block. The dead man was naked and his penis had been cut off. Investigators have found out that the dead man was a local tramp known as Sniper — a nickname he got for allegedly serving in the army in Chechnya. [..]

According to the investigators’ main theory, the murder was committed out of jealousy. The victim and his killer had been drinking in the company of a young homeless woman and started fighting. The young tramp strangled Sniper and then cut off his penis which he apparently kept as a trophy.’


Spokane deputies face discipline for prank car chase

`A red-faced sheriff has apologized to city police, who joined deputies in a phony car chase that a sheriff’s spokesman called “horseplay that has gone seriously awry.”

The Oct. 3 chase ended when police used a spike strip to disable the fleeing car and drew their weapons on the driver, who turned out to be an undercover deputy being chased by another deputy on the way to the Public Safety Building to end their shifts. [..]

When the deputy in the marked car turned on the lights, deputies in the unmarked Mustang accelerated, Reagan said.

After the cars entered the city, a city police officer saw the chase and joined in, thinking the deputy in the marked patrol car was trying to make a legitimate stop.’

The Semaphore Ninja
