
Thursday, November 10, 2005


How Einstein’s dead wrong, relatively speaking

`One is possibly the greatest scientist who ever lived, and the other is a maverick physicist from Adelaide.

But Reg Cahill says he can prove Albert Einstein and his hundred-year-old theories of relativity are wrong.

The problem for Professor Cahill is that many of his contemporaries line up with Einstein.

“I’ve been treated with utter contempt and hostility,” he told The Australian. “This is pretty shocking stuff — but it’s what you’d expect.”

In 2002, Professor Cahill started to question what he thought were anomalies in Einstein’s theory that time and space are relative.

“They all agreed with one another and they were all indicating a huge speed difference in different directions,” he said. “When you find out the speed of light differs, the whole Einstein theory starts collapsing.”‘

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