
Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Would You Like Some Jesus With Your Latte?

‘On 8th and 9th of October, Gloria Jean’s coffee houses around Australia are hosting a special event, Cappuccino for a Cause, to support the work of Mercy Ministries. When you buy a Cappuccino or Cappuccino Chiller over the event weekend, 50 cents from each sale will be donated to Mercy Ministries.

What is Mercy Ministries?

Mercy Australia runs a residential program for young women aged between 16 and 28 years with life controlling issues. These issues range from eating disorders, unplanned pregnancies, substance abuse, eating disorders, self harm, suicidal tendencies, depression and anxiety, and the effects of sexual and physical abuse. The average stay for a resident is approx 10 months, depending on each individual girl.

The program is very structured and is based on Christian principles. The residents have class time and bible study daily.’

Also with links to stories about how the father of Hillsong’s founder is a homosexual paedophile and how they engage in generally dodgy financial dealings.

[I think the photo caption “The Right Honourable Happy Clappy, MHR” at the latter link is hilarious. :)]

One Response to “Would You Like Some Jesus With Your Latte?”

  1. Sarah Says:

    What I want to know, is since being kicked out of the program because I didn’t ‘get well quick enough’, who is going to help me deal with the abuse I received from program staff while I was at Mercy Ministries?

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