
Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Owning a pair of vaginas doubles your fun!

`She�s one in a million. Well, technically, I guess she�s sort of two in a million. That is, she has two vaginas, two uteruses and two cervixes.

On the other hand, J�s uterus didelphys � the technical name for her matching lady bits � is, according to one of the many gynecologists who�ve poked around down there over the years, literally one in a million. In and around there, anyway.

“It�s really, really rare,” J proudly explains. “There are more cases of women having just two wombs or just two vaginas or two cervixes, but I�ve got the whole kit times two.”

Well, except the clitoris.

“Are you kidding?” laughs J. “If I had two clits, I�d never leave the house!”‘

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