
Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Gates birthday gift is the kind that will keep on giving

`It’s the sort of gift that Bill Gates Sr. wanted from his son.

[..] when Bill Gates Sr. turned 80 Wednesday, his son surprised him with this: an 80-year scholarship program for the University of Washington School of Law in the elder Gates’ name.

The length of the scholarship is a nod to Bill Gates Sr.’s age; the law school is his alma mater.

The cost: $33.3 million. The deal: Five students get a full-ride scholarship each year. In exchange, they commit to working seven years in public service after graduation � for instance, for a legal aid or advocacy agency, a nonprofit, as a public defender or prosecutor.’

This is the first time Bill Gates has done anything I don’t instantly find offensive in one way or another. 🙂

2 Responses to “Gates birthday gift is the kind that will keep on giving”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Now I am no Gates fan but he does give a shitload to charity…

  2. moonbuggy Says:

    Yeah, I read somewhere that the figure was something like 58% of this total wealth has gone to charity.

    So, atleast he isn’t the only one who benefits from his bug-filled software. 🙂

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