
Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Congress Goes After Meth Trade

`Cold remedies that can be used by drug dealers to make methamphetamine would be forced behind store counters under legislation Congress is poised to pass by year’s end.

Lawmakers hope that federal restrictions — included in the agreement reached Thursday to reauthorize the USA Patriot Act — will stem a meth trade that has hit rural America particularly hard. [..]

Stores would be required to keep medicines like Sudafed and Nyquil behind the counter and consumers would be limited to 3.6 grams, or about 120 pills, per day and 9 grams, or about 300 pills, a month. Purchasers would also need to show a photo ID and sign a logbook.

Those limits target meth dealers who buy large quantities of the drugs to extract the pseudoephedrine.’

9 grams of pseudoephedrine a day? That’s one serious blocked nose. Good thing they have the Patriot Act for targetting terrorists drug dealers.

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