
Thursday, December 22, 2005


The tunnel rat who was a global hacker

`Police know him as Andrew Sanders, supposed white supremacist. His neighbours know him as a quiet 25-year-old who cannot leave home without his mum. And computer nerds know him as Valiant, international cyber hacker.

Years before the Cronulla riots prompted police to allege a link with white supremacists and raid his home, Sanders was the head of a hacking organisation called Halcon, which claimed to be the nation’s most popular. [..]

Police arrested him and four others in Ramsgate on Sunday, accusing him of being linked to white supremacist groups. Officers raided his house on Monday and said they found a haul of weapons and suspicious items.

He is charged with possessing an unlicensed firearm, a prohibited weapon and an item used for disguising a face.’

This guy used to use a BBS I also used, many years ago. He was an idiot. Still is, by the sounds of things.

2 Responses to “The tunnel rat who was a global hacker”

  1. napalmgroup Says:

    This guy is a genius…DEAL with it!

  2. moonbuggy Says:

    Well, his mum thinks he’s a genius atleast.

    I think I’m dealing with the incarceration of this idiot quite well tho. I mean, it’s a struggle, but I just take one day at a time.. 🙂

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