Friday, January 13, 2006


See what the booze can do

`Nicky Taylor, 39, is stumbling around a nightclub dance floor in the early hours of the morning, clutching a bottle of Smirnoff Ice.

In five hours, she has drunk equal to four bottles of wine in a potentially fatal mix of cocktails, spirits and beers. [..]

This ugly scene is not a typical night for Nicky. In an experiment for a British TV documentary, the single mother spent a month matching the bingers drink-for-drink to see what it did to her body and mind.

Over 30 days, going out five nights a week, Nicky consumed a staggering 516 units of alcohol — 17.2 units a day. Guidelines say women should drink no more than two or three units a day, and a maximum of 14 a week.’

with pre- and post-binge photos.

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