
Sunday, January 29, 2006


Porn activity detected at DHS (maybe)

`The Homeland Security Department�s internal computer network generated 65 million security alerts during a three-month period and 6.5 million of those may be linked to employees accessing pornographic words or materials, according to a report today from DHS inspector general Richard Skinner.

Nearly three-quarters of the automated �security event messages� and �� alerts originated from 16 devices on the department�s wide area network, according to the report. However, DHS could not identify the specific workstations that had generated the messages, the inspector general found. [..]

In addition, the DHS network did not have its security accreditations and certifications, the report added.’

That’s 406,250 porn hits per device. Presumably a “device” is a router or somesuch, because that’s a fucking lot of porn for a single person.

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