
Saturday, February 11, 2006


Man eats 50-year-old chicken for golden wedding anniversary

`A sentimental husband in Denton, Greater Manchester, has celebrated his golden wedding anniversary by eating a 50-year-old can of chicken.

Les Lailey had been saving the tin of Buxted Whole Cooked Chicken in Jelly from a buffet he and his bride Beryl received as a wedding gift – in 1956. They kept hold of the tin through numerous house moves, explaining to the BBC: “I always said ‘on my 50th wedding anniversary I’m going to eat that chicken’ – so I did.”

He added: “It was all right. But I don’t like chicken.”’

One Response to “Man eats 50-year-old chicken for golden wedding anniversary”

  1. malcolm Says:

    when sorting through an inherited property i was left by an elderly lady i cared for i found this perfectly preserved can of a buxted whole cooked chicken in jelly would anyone like to make an offer to purchase same, i would say the chicken in can is at least 50yrs old and in A1 condition.

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