
Wednesday, March 1, 2006


Unmanned Mini-Helicopter Gets ‘Weaponized’ with AA-12 Shotgun

` has received video footage of a weaponized version of the AutoCopter self-stabilized unmanned mini-helicopter being tested for the first time in sunny Huntsville, Alabama (The download link for this video is further down in this article.). The AutoCopter is made by Neural Robotics Incorporated (NRI), and the weapon portion of the package is a 12-gauge Military Police Systems (MPS) Auto Assault-12 Full-Auto Shotgun (a.k.a. AA-12 Full-Auto Shotgun), which DefRev first reported on back in June of last year (2005). NRI is calling the newly-weaponized AutoCopter the “AutoCopter Gunship”. Catchy.’

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