Monday, March 27, 2006


Team Hazing Incident: 17-year-old gets house arrest

`Law enforcement officials say the other players who dog-piled the 15-year-old and pinned him on the Sierra Vista gym floor were engaged in horseplay and unaware Starring was assaulting the boy.

Police reports and district attorney’s office documents detailing the allegations against him are not public, because Starring has not been charged as an adult. But a source told the Review-Journal the sexual assault count stems from allegations that Starring penetrated the 15-year-old player’s rectum with his finger while the boy was being held down by fellow players during a brief “horseplay” episode in the school’s gymnasium.

The open and gross lewdness counts arise from accusations that Starring groped the 15-year-old’s buttocks and testicles, the source said.’

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