
Tuesday, July 4, 2006


Sex, drugs, octopus? Russians want answers

‘Forget politics, oligarchs and Chechnya. What Russians really want to ask their leader is when he lost his virginity, when he will legalise marijuana and when a giant fictional octopus sleeping at the bottom of the ocean will awaken.

These are at least some of the most popular questions being put by Russian website surfers to President Vladimir Putin on the Yandex website in preparation for a July 6 interactive Internet question-and-answer session. [..]

Ranked most popular on Yandex on Monday with 8 080 votes was a question on what possessed Putin to kiss a young boy on the stomach during a walkabout in a Kremlin courtyard last Wednesday. [..]

More than 3 000 surfers voted on a question from Viktor, 29, on what Putin thought about the re-awakening of the Cthulhu, a fictional octopus-like creature invented by 20th century horror writer HP Lovecraft.’

Edit: Now with stomach kissing video.

(1meg Flash video)

One Response to “Sex, drugs, octopus? Russians want answers”

  1. Alyosha Says:

    you can see a translation of the most popular questions here.

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