Archive for September, 2006


Tuesday, September 26, 2006


ATM Hack Uncovered

`A security expert in New York has learned how to get free money from some ATMs by entering a special code sequence on the PIN pad.

Last week, news reports circulated about a cyber thief who strolled into a gas station in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and, with no special equipment, reprogrammed the mini ATM in the corner to think it had $5.00 bills in its dispensing tray, instead of $20.00 bills.

Using a pre-paid debit card, the crook then made a withdrawal, and casually strolled off with a 300% profit in his pocket.’


US farm discovers four-legged chicken

`Henrietta the chicken was living inconspicuously for 18 months among 36,000 other chickens at Brendle Farms – until a farm foreman discovered she had four legs.

Farm-owner Mike Brendle was amazed by the discovery among his standard two-legged, egg-laying hens.

“It’s as healthy as the rest,” he said.’


The Bionic Woman – “The Return of Bigfoot”

‘Steve, still weakened by the radiation he took, must try to rescue Jamie from the alien rebels. You kids with your “Lost” – this was the television event of the decade back in the 70’s.’

(12meg Flash video)

see it here »

Maggot Art

`Maggot Art� is a fantastic new teaching tool for use in the elementary school setting. Children get hands-on experience with insects that most people find truly disgusting — maggots — while creating a beautiful piece of artwork to share with others.’


Delicate Situation

`Yes, that’s a pistol completely stuffed into the vaginal vault. All of a sudden her agitation and thrashing about seemed a lot more important than it had a few minutes before. How the hell were we to get the gun out without the damn thing discharging?

In the end, there was no real option. She was sedated and taken to the OR for an exam under anesthesia. They put a bulletproof vest over the patient’s body to protect the anesthesiologist in the event the gun went off, and had general surgery standing by. [..]’

Popeye Has Some Bad Spinach

‘Even Popeye is affected by the recent outbreak of Ecoli in spinach.’

(4.1meg Windows media)

see it here »


‘Jihad’ car commercial upsets US Muslims

`A car commercial proclaiming a jihad on the US auto market and offering “Fatwa Fridays” with free swords for the kids is offensive and should not be aired, Muslim leaders say.

The radio advertisement for the Dennis Mitsubishi car dealership in Columbus, Ohio, has “a whole jihad theme,” said Adnan Mirza, director of the Columbus office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

“They are planning on launching a jihad on the automotive market and their representatives would be wearing burqas … ,” Mirza said. “They mentioned the pope in there and also about giving rubber swords out to the kiddies – really just reprehensible-type comments.”‘

Artificial reef made of tires becomes ecological disaster

`A plan in the early 1970s to create a massive artificial reef off Fort Lauderdale has turned into an environmental mess with the U.S. Navy, Broward County and others trying to figure out how to remove about two million tires covering 36 acres of ocean floor. [..]

”They thought it would be a good fish habitat. It turned out to be a bad idea,” said William Nuckols, project coordinator and military liaison for Coastal America, a federal group involved in the cleanup. “It’s a coastal coral destruction machine.”’

The World’s Only!

`Enjoy sending a completely original spring loaded surprise to those on your A-Hole list…They will receive their specially gift wrapped glossy white box, cut the fancy bow and KA-BOINNNGGG! A custom made Spring Loaded Ass in their face will shock and surprise them!’


Do You Take It?

‘A racy music video that asks the crucial question, “Do you take it?”.’

(7.0meg Flash video)

see it here »


Caught Banging Blow Up Doll?

‘If you were banging a blow up doll wouldn’t you lock the freakin door? I’ll let you be the judge.’

(2.5meg Windows media)

see it here »

‘Hypoallergenic cats’ go on sale

`What are claimed to be the world’s first specially bred hypoallergenic cats have gone on sale in the US.

US biotech firm Allerca says it has managed to selectively breed them by reducing a certain type of protein that triggers allergic reactions. [..]

The BBC’s Pascale Harter says there could soon be a global market for the kittens – in the US alone 38 million households own a cat, and around the world an estimated 35% of humans suffer from allergies.’


Fry That Chicken

Y’all know ya want a piece of my chicken..

(8.8meg Flash video)

see it here »


Bad Model Rocket Launch

‘A bunch of guys attempt to launch a model rocket. Not sure the launch could of gone any worse for the guy in the back.’

(600kB Windows media)

see it here »


Poland’s Biological Defensive

`In all this time however, every attempt at biological warfare has been essentially offensive. The idea has always been to incapacitate or kill the enemy. Except once, in Poland, during World War II, where a pair of quick-thinking doctors used a little-known organism to keep the Nazis at bay.

The microorganism is Proteus OX19. In most ways it�s an entirely ordinary little bacterium. Its one remarkable feature is that human antibodies for Proteus OX19 cross-react with the antibodies for Ricksettia � the bacterium responsible for the deadly disease typhus. Blood from a patient infected with Proteus Ox19 will give a false-positive in the most common typhus screening method, the Weil-Felix test.

Enter the Nazis into Poland. [..]’

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Not so many updates at the moment..

I’m busy moving house and all sorts of things at the moment. Posts will be sporadic for the next few days, most probably.

Stick around though, more good stuff coming once I get myself sorted out. 🙂


Friday, September 15, 2006


Guilty plea in nuked fake penis case

`A woman pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in connection with a bizarre incident in February that resulted in a fake penis being microwaved at a convenience store.

Leslye Creighton, 41, of Wilkinsburg, entered the plea Wednesday, and authorities dropped the same charge against Vincent Bostic, 31, of Pittsburgh, who has agreed to help pay $425 to replace the store’s microwave, police and the couple’s defense attorney said.’

followup to Severed penis found in convenience store microwave.

Sniffer dogs ‘of little value’

`Drug sniffer dogs do little to identify drug dealers and often falsely identify people as carrying illegal drugs, a report by the Ombudsman said today.

It found only 19 people out of about 10,000 indicated by dogs as carrying drugs were successfully prosecuted for supplying drugs, despite the sniffer dogs program costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The two-year investigation has questioned the need for laws which allow drug dogs to sniff people in public to detect drugs.’


Pensioner Who Fell Down Manhole Ignored By Passers-by

`A grandad stuck down a manhole had his cries for help ignored by passers-by for almost an hour.

Clive Colins, 65, was about to open the boot of his car in a busy shopping car park when he stepped back on to a loose manhole cover and tumbled down a 5ft hole.

About 30 people walked past him, even though he was yelling for help and his head, a leg and an arm were stuck above the surface.

One woman even parked her car next to him. But she ignored the retired garage owner’s cries as she put the roof up on her convertible.’

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Love, Innovation, and Fruit Flies

`As Jill describes it, she heard strange noises coming from her basement last night while Jim was tinkering around. Later he came up the stairs with an invention to help with the fruit fly situation. Using an clunky rotary thing-a-ma-bob from an old Kodak prototype, he crafted a machine he dubbed “The Fruit Fly Flattener.” After 32 years of marriage if that isn’t love I don’t know what is!’

Skinny models banned from catwalk

`The world’s first ban on overly thin models at a top-level fashion show in Madrid has caused outrage among modeling agencies and raised the prospect of restrictions at other venues.

Madrid’s fashion week has turned away underweight models after protests that girls and young women were trying to copy their rail-thin looks and developing eating disorders. [..]

The Madrid show is using the body mass index or BMI — based on weight and height — to measure models. It has turned away 30 percent of women who took part in the previous event. Medics will be on hand at the September 18-22 show to check models.’


Max Headroom Pirating Incident

‘During a broadcast of the Dr. Who episode “Horror of Fang Rock” on WTTW Chicago Channel 11, on Sunday November 22nd, 1987, at around 11:15pm, a Video “Pirate” wearing a Max Headroom mask broke into the signal and transmitted one of the weirdest, unauthorized things ever to hit the Chicago airwaves.’

(6.2meg Flash video)

see it here »


Lost document reveals Columbus as tyrant of the Caribbean

`Christopher Columbus, the man credited with discovering the Americas, was a greedy and vindictive tyrant who saved some of his most violent punishments for his own followers, according to a document uncovered by Spanish historians.

As governor and viceroy of the Indies, Columbus imposed iron discipline on the first Spanish colony in the Americas, in what is now the Caribbean country of Dominican Republic. Punishments included cutting off people’s ears and noses, parading women naked through the streets and selling them into slavery.’

Clearly You People Thought I Was Kidding

`Me (to Krissy): So, would you mind if I tape bacon to the cat?

Krissy: That’s a fairly interesting question. What’s the purpose here?

Me: I put taping bacon to the cat on a list of things I said I was going to do today and people seemed to be skeptical.’


Nun tried to kill priest after finding him in bed with another womanse

`A jealous nun appeared in court charged with threats to kill and an arson attack on a priest’s house – after she caught him in bed with a married woman.

Sister Silvia Gomes De Sousa, 39, saw red and set fire to Father Carmelo Mantarro’s house after she nabbed him ‘in flagrante.’

The furious nun – who was also Father Carmelo’s cleaner – was also armed with a machete and threatened to kill the priest before being restrained by passers by.’


Car flies into building; man dies

`A car hit a dirt hill at high speed and flew 200 feet into the second story of an apartment building on Tuesday, killing the driver, police said.

Two people in separate apartments at the time of the 9 a.m. crash escaped injury, and there were no injuries on the street.

Investigators did not know what led the driver, Vincent Pontillo Jr., to speed down a dead-end street. His 2004 Honda Accord, which was launched from a 4-foot dirt hill, penetrated the building up to its rear bumper, police spokesman Officer William Fairchild said.’


Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs

`Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.

The object is basically public relations. Domestic use would make it easier to avoid questions from others about possible safety considerations, said Secretary Michael Wynne.

“If we’re not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation,” said Wynne. “(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I would be vilified in the world press.”‘

Princess Di wanted me, Hoff says

`Former Baywatch star David Hasselhoff has claimed the late Princess Diana wanted to bed him.

Hasselhoff boasted on Tuesday night that the princess was “smitten” with him and “sparks” flew between them when they met in 1993.

Hasselhoff, 54, recently divorced his wife Pamela Bach, 43, and insists that he and Princess Diana, who tragically died in a 1997 Paris car crash, would have slept together “if circumstances had been different”.’


Bush to hold talks on Ali G creator after diplomatic row

`US President George Bush is to host White House talks on British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.

Cohen, 35, creator of Ali G, has infuriated the Kazakhstan government with his portrayal of Borat, a bumbling Kazakh TV presenter.

And now a movie of Borat’s adventures in the US has caused a diplomatic incident. [..]

President Nazarbayev will visit the White House and the Bush family compound in Maine when he flies in for talks that will include the fictional character Borat.

But a spokesman for the Kazakhstan Embassy says it is unlikely that President Nazarbayev will find the film funny.’

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Naomi Robson held in Indonesia

`Seven network personality Naomi Robson and a television crew have been stopped by Indonesian authorities after attempting to enter the troubled province of Papua on tourist visas, Indonesian authorities have confirmed.

The Today Tonight current affairs show host and her four-member crew were questioned on arrival at Jayapura airport in Papua this morning after a tip-off from anonymous sources, Indonesian foreign affairs department spokesman Desra Percaya said.

The five are now expected to be deported and possibly fined and blacklisted from ever entering Indonesia, Mr Percaya said.’
