
Sunday, December 3, 2006


Women fight off naked man in bizarre assault

`The older woman began beating the man with a stick, while her daughter called police on her cell phone. The woman who was being assaulted ran away, and the older woman and her daughter started walking away too, when the naked man came after the daughter and tried to grab her cell phone. The mother then started hitting the assailant with the stick again, at which point the man turned on her and tries to snatch her eyeglasses off of her face. The daughter then managed to get the man off of her mother, at which point, police say, the man started singing and dancing in a circle.

Police arrived and the naked man started fighting with them, stricking one officer in the face and hitting another with a large stick. They finally manged to take the man into custody and took him to a hospital to be evaluated.’

Singing and dancing in a circle. 🙂

One Response to “Women fight off naked man in bizarre assault”

  1. Mike Says:

    taser that bugger

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