
Monday, December 4, 2006


Banned: The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments

‘Back in the late 60’s this book, written for Children, was pulled from all public libraries and store shelves by the government. It was said that the experiments and information contained herein were too dangerous for the general public. [..]

This book is thoroughly interesting and is full of ideas and inspiration, it is the bible for any young chemist-in-training. Used copies on Amazon are rare and are currently priced between $237 and $690 for very used copies. However, because it was published in 1960, before the US copyright laws were rewritten, and because its original copyright was never renewed (yes, I checked myself), it’s legal for me to share with you online.’

This links to a 28.5meg, 114page PDF of the book. You can also see Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments at Amazon .. US$250.. Not cheap. 🙂

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