
Sunday, December 31, 2006


The Great Minnesota Book Burning

`On January 27th, 2007 we will be holding a symbolic book burning in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area. All known White Patriots are welcome to attend, and are encouraged to bring degenerate books suitable for throwing into the fire. We will be filming and recording this event for NSM Radio/TV, and possibly using some of the footage for an upcoming Music Video for the song Burn the Books by Achtung Juden (released on the NSM Record Label).

Come Join with us in this Historic Event, as we torch degenerate books such as the Talmud, and other anti-American and/or anti-White books.’

2 Responses to “The Great Minnesota Book Burning”

  1. KataFlupt Says:

    Hello! Are you tuned in to my temperamental sense I have a nice fresh joke for you people) Where do polar bears vote? The North Poll.

  2. EZWilliam Says:

    hmm interesting site. I like to emphasize my credibly prisoner Good joke 🙂 Where did the vegetables go to get drunk? The Salad Bar.

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