Naked Pornstars Boxing
Just what it says.
`A 31-year-old man in Titusville, Fla., was caught on tape being dragged at speeds of 45 mph by a vehicle he allegedly intended to steal, according to Local 6 News. [..]
Investigators said Davis forced his way into an apartment on Wednesday, pulled a knife on a woman and repeatedly hit her.
Davis then stole the woman’s vehicle but blew out the vehicle’s tires after being spotted by officers, police said.
Detectives said Davis then jumped out of the damaged vehicle and tried to carjack another vehicle. But, since the doors to the second car were locked, Davis grabbed and held on to the vehicle.
Video showed Davis being dragged by the accelerating vehicle.’
I guess when you bring rattlesnakes on your talk show, it’s bound to happen sooner or later. [shrug] Especially when you animal expert says it’s the biggest rattlesnake he’s ever seen.
.. or it could just be some TV show plot.
`Suppose an anthropoid were taken into a typical human family at the day of birth and reared as a child. Suppose he were fed upon a bottle, clothed, washed, bathed, fondled, and given a characteristically human environment; that he were spoken to like the human infant from the moment of parturition; that he had an adopted human mother and an adopted human father . . . . The experimental situation par excellence should indeed be attained if this technique were refined one step farther by adopting such a baby ape into a human family with one child of approximately the ape’s age.’
‘From the awesome BBC doco “Hiroshima”. See CGI effects bring this disaster to horrifying life.’
(20.1meg Flash video)
`Kevin Reed launched his medical marijuana business two years ago, armed with big dreams and an Excel spreadsheet.
Happy customers at his Green Cross cannabis club were greeted by “bud tenders” and glass jars brimming with high-quality weed at red-tag prices. They hailed the slender, gentle Southerner as a ganja good Samaritan. Though Reed set out to run it like a Walgreens, his tiny storefront shop ended up buzzing with jazzy joie de vivre. Turnover was Starbucks-style: On a good day, $30,000 in business would walk through the black, steel-gated front door.
Today, the 32-year-old cannabis capitalist is looking for a job, his business undone by its own success and unexpected opposition in one of America’s most proudly tolerant places. [..]’
This is pretty funny. It looks like the guy doing the pranking unexpectedly ends up slightly unconscious..
(729k Windows media)
‘Trikke (pronounced tri-ike) three-wheeled cambering machines are human-powered vehicles that use Trikke Tech�s patented 3CV technology to allow a rider to propel this chainless, pedal-less vehicle forward without ever needing to touch the feet to the ground.’
This is a strange bike/skateboard/scooter type combination, and there are some interesting videos of it in use.
Apparently due to digital remastering of old movies, you can now see Sean Connery’s penis in what looks to be a James Bond movie.
Underwater stiffy. Haha!
I’m not entirely convinced it’s legit, and I don’t have access to the Something Awful forum where it orginated, so I don’t have any more details at the moment. It’ll be a mystery for now.
‘These guys are on top of the Great Wall of China and they give their camel a beer. I guess the camel was pretty thirsty!’
(3.5meg Windows media)
‘Fat mental women goes wakko with cat food’
It’s actually a bit weirder than you might expect from this description. Just a bit.
`THE next generation disk format has been settled once and for all. Thanks to the due diligence, hard work and unprecedented cooperation between the media companies, the hardware vendors and the OS vendor, we finally have a solution. It is quite easy, Piracy, the better choice(TM).
Yes, in a year where Sony rootkitted it’s customers, lied to my face about their actions (hi John, still have your number, kisses), and fell flat with anything related to Blu-Ray, things couldn’t get worse right? Well, the other camp, HD-DVD is only slightly less nasty, but still unacceptable. Standing shoulder to shoulder, they both failed in the market. [..]
In the mean time, Piracy, the better choice ™ flourishes. [..]’
`Pull back the red curtain and dim the lights. It’s the 9th annual presentation of the Wired News Vaporware Awards, our ode to the year’s top technology products promised, hyped and scheduled, but not delivered.’
`Two brothers in Peabody say they caught a man who allegedly broke into their mother’s home Christmas Eve by pulling down his pants to slow him down before police arrived. [..]
While John Medeiros struggled with Wallace, George Medeiros was able to call police.
But Wallace kept trying to get away, so George Medeiros said he came to a last resort – he “pantsed” him – including his underwear – all down to his ankles.
“I figured it would slow him down if he got up to run,” he told the paper.’
`Salvador Celaya, a 73-year-old with Alzheimer�s disease, wore black rubber boots, dirty blue jeans and a flannel shirt Friday as he rummaged through the charred remains of the Phoenix home where he and his wife raised six children. [..]
The future for Salvador Celaya and his 69-year-old wife, Carlota, was uncertain two days after police serving a search warrant pried open the front door and launched a diversionary grenade through a bedroom window that started a fire that destroyed the house. [..]
�This is not a botched search warrant,� said Gilbert police spokesman Lt. Joe Ruet. �It�s not the wrong house, and it�s a very serious criminal that we�re after.�’
BoingBoing is covering a story about a crazy looking comic put out by the NRA. The images in the comic have been described as such:
`With their mutant critter hordes of lobsters, islamofascist deer, and TNT-totin’ owls, razor-eschewing hippie chicks who’ve escaped from R. Crumb comix are coming to burn down your white suburban home. And ye shall know them by the tracks of their Birkenstocks.’
A PDF copy of the comic is available here.
(3.9meg PDF)
A couple of stories of plane accidents, in which a giant parachute attached to the plane has saved people’s lives. The company that makes the parachutes reckons they’ve saved 199 lives.
So, I put some ads up in a more prominent position on the individual post pages [i.e. the permalink pages]. I don’t really like ads, and I’d rather not have them there, but bandwidth costs have been increasing lately so I’ll try this for a while and see what happens.
If you don’t like the ads you can use Firefox and install ad blocking software, or you could sign up for an account here as the ads are not displayed so prominently for logged in users.
Hopefully these new prominent ads will work nicely, and if things go well I plan to remove ads for returning visitors entirely.
I’m also still working on my crazy plan to sell a lot of dildos, so maybe that’ll pan out and I can laugh for days on end without stopping, and then use dildo money instead of ad money to pay for bandwidth. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens, I suppose.
`China’s government, which suppresses a range of information deemed threatening to national security, now wants to keep weather forecasts from falling into the wrong hands, state press has reported.
New regulations to take effect next year will clamp down on the illegal acquisition of Chinese meteorological information by foreigners, the China Daily newspaper reported.
The China Meteorological Administration (CMA) has identified about 20 breaches of weather security since 2000, the paper said.’
`The owner of Sydney’s controversial Cross City Tunnel has been placed into receivership with debts of $560 million.
Receivers and managers have been appointed to Cross City Tunnel Motorway Ltd, owner and operator of the tunnel.
The cash-strapped tunnel consortium was due to make a massive interest payment by Saturday.
With barely one-third of the expected 90,000 cars passing through each day, the tunnel did not earn enough to cover the interest payments.’
I like how he starts to scream about it burning as soon as it’s lit.
`Taking a drink with sugar-free versions of mixers, such as tonic water, cola, bitter lemon and lemonade, produces higher blood-alcohol levels.
The findings were revealed by Dr Chris Rayner, of the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia, at a conference in the United States. Dr Rayner, the lead author of the study, found that combining alcohol with a mixer containing artificial sweeteners resulted in significantly higher levels of blood-alcohol than the same drink taken with an ordinary mixer.’
`A 15-year-old boy has been sentenced to four years in a juvenile treatment program after deputies stopped him driving a stolen bus along a public transit route, picking up passengers and collecting fares. [..]
Davis also lost his driving privileges for a year, though he doesn’t have a license. The sentence means he won’t be able to drive for a year after getting a permit or license.
He was already on probation for taking a tour bus and driving passengers around in January, authorities said.’