
Friday, January 5, 2007


Cancer cure patented

`A group of researchers claim that they are patenting a possible cure for cancer involving nothing more than sugar and short-chain fatty acid combination.

The Johns Hopkins researchers cautioned that their double-punch molecule, described in the December issue of the journal Chemistry & Biology, has not yet been tested on animals or humans. [..]

The researchers focused on a sugar called N-acetyl-D-mannosamine, or ManNAc, for short, and created a hybrid molecule by linking ManNAc with butyrate.

The hybrid easily penetrates a cell’s surface, then is split apart by enzymes inside the cell.’

One Response to “Cancer cure patented”

  1. Dr Jeff Aitkin Says:

    From what i have read of the published medical data and research, particularly that conducted in China and Japan there is a great deal of evidence to support complimentary immune therapy, especially with infections and cancer. I’ve been following with some interest the development of a complimentary cancer treatment that has been designed in liason with the University of Newcastle (Australia) and although a somewhat different approach to the above outlined treatment the concept and the deliberate and effective use of natural elements in the product are similar. If you have an interest in this field or perhaps just want to keep abreast of a new treatment you may find fairly worthwhile reviewing.

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