
Thursday, January 11, 2007


Student faces child porn charges

`A college student who mistakenly submitted a compact disc loaded with child pornography images to his professor last week is now facing felony kiddie porn possession charges.

Andrew Erickson, 18, of 57 Lee’s River Ave., Swansea, was arrested by Fall River and Swansea police late last week. He has pleaded not guilty to the charge and was released after a family member posted his $500 cash bail. [..]

Police reports quote an e-mail Erickson sent to his professor, in which he appears to attempt to shift ownership of the disc from himself to an unnamed friend.

“Oh snap, I am sorry. I accidentally gave you my friend’s mixed music CD that I meant to keep here and install the music on my computer,” Erickson said in an e-mail to his professor. “I found the CD with the (final exam) on it. If there’s some way I could send it to you, that would be great. [..]’

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