Porn Ads
There are some ads for pornographic sites on some of my pages now. I decided to do this because some of my most popular pages have NSFW content on them so I can’t display AdSense ads.
As with the AdSense ads, these pr0n ads are less visible for registered members. My goal remains to try and cover my costs with advertising whilst not bothering those of you who visit frequently too much.
Less than 50 pages will be affected, so you probably won’t see them unless you’re looking through the archives for NSFW stuff.
There’s been a few other changes around the place to do with links to external websites and how they are presented to returning/registered visitors. Nothing too dramatic.
Oh, if you want an example of what these pr0n ads look like, check out Biphallic Pictures. Ads might move around slightly in the next couple of days, but that’s the basic idea anyways.