
Monday, February 19, 2007


Bald Britney Spears Sits For New Ink at L.A. Tattoo Parlor

‘Britney Spears appeared in a tattoo parlor in the San Fernando Valley with her head shaved completely bald. [..]

Before heading to the tattoo parlor, Spears grabbed an electric clipper and shaved her own head at a San Fernando Valley salon Friday night, it was reported.

“I tried to talk her out of it. I said, ‘Are you sure you’re not having a bad day and tomorrow you’ll feel differently about it? Why don’t we wait a little bit?”‘ salon owner Esther Tognozzi said.

“She said, ‘No, I absolutely want it shaved off now.’ Next thing I know, she grabbed the buzzer and she went to the back of my salon and she was shaving off her own hair,” Tognozzi said.’

(7.5meg Windows media)

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