Archive for February, 2007


Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Cats compete on TV reality show

‘Ten cats are competing to find their perfect owner on a reality TV programme being shown in the US.

The feline competitors, who all come from animal shelters or rescue groups, are being filmed in a New York shop window until 23 June.

As on Big Brother, the cats will have to complete tasks, and will be graded on purring and catching toy mice.

One cat will get the boot each day until a winner is chosen, but all 10 will be given a permanent home.’


Man pelted with puppies during dog theft

‘A man is in a serious condition in hospital after he was stabbed and pelted with puppies when he tried to stop thieves stealing rare dogs.

The man found an intruder stealing dogs when he returned with a friend to her home in suburban Melbourne late last night.

“As they’ve approached her property they’ve seen a man running out of the premises with five jack russell-cross-dachshund puppies,” police spokesman Adam West said.

The thief was attempting to drive off with the dogs when the unidentified man ran up to the car and began kicking it. The intruder responded by throwing two of the puppies at him.

“As he’s kicking the car another man’s got out of the car and stabbed him several times, causing serious injuries,” West said.’


Awesome Adjustable Table

(1.6meg Windows media)

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How to make wicked hash

‘Making hash is easier than you think!

Making hash is an ancient art. The first proto-human who rubbed her fingers together after handling a mature cannabis bud was making hash in much the same way it is made today. Although the process of removing the resins from cannabis have become more refined, the essence has remained unchanged for millennia.

Making hash is the process of extracting and preserving the psychoactive resins from the cannabis plant. These resins are found primarily on tiny glands called trichomes, which under a magnifying glass look like mushrooms – a head on top of a stalk. These trichomes are part of what gives cannabis buds their “frosty” appearance.’


Watchdog blasts ‘X-treme Eating’

‘Chain restaurants in the United States are promoting dangerous “X-treme Eating”, a US watchdog has said.

They are serving up “ever-more harmful new creations,” says the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

It says that some individual dishes can exceed 2,000 calories, more than the recommended daily intake for women. [..]

“Rather than compete to make their products healthier, restaurant chains are competing with each other to make their appetizers, main courses, and desserts bigger, badder, and cheesier than ever before,” a CPSI statement said.’

Land of the all-night gas line

‘To cut down on costly imports of petroleum, of which Myanmar does not have much, its ruling generals want every vehicle in the country to run on natural gas, of which it has plenty.

Since 2005, the junta has managed to get around 11,000 taxis and buses in Yangon [..] to convert to compressed natural gas (CNG).

Unfortunately, during this time it has installed only 20 filling stations for a city of 5 million people.

More unfortunately, the CNG pumps they have installed are so archaic they can take 30 minutes to fill up one vehicle.

Even more unfortunately, every time a power blackout strikes — which is at least once a day — the pumps grind to a halt.’

Scrotum Scrub

For those of you having trouble keeping your balls clean.

(2.0meg Windows media)

see it here »


11 Dead At Pakistani Kite Festival

‘At least 11 people died and more than 100 people were injured at an annual spring festival in eastern Pakistan celebrated with the flying of thousands of colorful kites, officials said Monday.

The deaths and injuries were caused by stray bullets, sharpened kite-strings, electrocution and people falling off rooftops on Sunday at the conclusion of the two-day Basant festival, said Ruqia Bano, spokeswoman for the emergency services in the city of Lahore.

The festival is regularly marred by casualties caused by sharp kite strings or celebratory gunshots fired into the air. Kite flyers often use strings made of wire or coated with ground glass to try to cross and cut a rival’s string or damage the other kite, often after betting on the outcome.’

3 Gulf states agree to IAF overflights en route to Iran

‘Three Arab states in the Persian Gulf would be willing to allow the Israel Air force to enter their airspace in order to reach Iran in case of an attack on its nuclear facilities, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasa reported on Sunday.

According to the report, a diplomat from one of the gulf states visiting Washington on Saturday said the three states, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, have told the United States that they would not object to Israel using their airspace, despite their fear of an Iranian response.’

Sledding Wipeout

‘This is probably the best sledding wipeout I have ever seen. These guys get launched off a jump and take out people with them on the wipe.’

(790kB Windows media)

see it here »


Iranian MPs enraged over test accused of mocking Muhammad

‘Iranian MPs have demanded an apology from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after teachers were given government-sponsored tests deemed “insulting” to the prophet Muhammad.

The exam – sat by teachers seeking promotion – provoked outrage by posing questions which appeared to degrade Islam’s holiest figure by alluding to personal habits and proclivities. Most of the 40 multiple-choice questions have been judged so mocking that Iran’s state-controlled media has refrained from publishing them.

One less offensive question, reproduced by local newspapers and websites, lists four choices when asking how Muhammad compared himself with the prophet Joseph. They are: “A) I am more beautiful than Joseph; B) Joseph is more beautiful than me; C) I am cuter than Joseph; D) Joseph is more beautiful than me but I am cuter than him.” Others refer to his hair and beard colour.’

Mother May Lose Custody of Obese Boy

‘Authorities are considering taking an 8-year-old boy who weighs 218 pounds into protective custody unless his mother improves his diet, officials said Monday.

Social service officials will meet with family members Tuesday to discuss the health of Connor McCreaddie, who weighs more than three times the average for his age. [..]

An unidentified health official was quoted as telling The Sunday Times that taking custody of Connor would be a last resort, but said the family had repeatedly failed to attend appointments with nurses, nutritionists and social workers.’


Electrocution of an Elephant

‘One of the elephants, Topsy, was known for having a bad temper, and had killed three people in the last three years. After the last killing, it was decided that she had to be destroyed by hanging. Note, I am making none of this up. New York’s ASPCA protested that hanging was cruel, citing the fact that it had been replaced by electrocution in the NY penal system. Luna Park’s owners took the protest in stride, and decided that electrocution would be the kindest solution, and one that they could sell tickets for! They enlisted the willing Thomas Edison to help with technical matters.’

(1.7meg Flash video)

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How UK attempted bizarre X-Files tests on soldiers

‘The Ministry of Defence funded a secret study to ascertain whether people with psychic powers could help protect the nation, it emerged last night.

The MoD arranged the tests to discover whether volunteers were able to use psychic powers to “remotely view” hidden objects. The studyinvolved blindfolding test subjects and asking them to “see” the contents of sealed brown envelopes containing pictures of random objects and public figures.

Defence experts tried to recruit 12 “known” psychics who advertised their abilities on the internet, but when they all refused they were forced to use “novice” volunteers.

The MoD last night defended the cost of the experiment, carried out in 2002, in which commercial researchers were contracted at a cost of £18,000 to test them to see if psychic ability existed in case it could be used in defence [..]’


Girl lost in poker game pleads for help

‘A teenage girl in southern Pakistan, whose late father lost her in a poker game when she was 2 years old, has asked authorities to save her from being handed over to a middle-aged relative.

Rasheeda, 17, said she has filed applications with the police and a local councillor asking them to prevent Lal Haider, 45, from taking her to his home.

Her mother, Nooran said her husband racked up a debt of 10,000 rupees ($151) to Haider playing cards.

“My husband didn’t have money to pay, and instead he told Lal Haider that he could take Rasheeda when she grows up,” she said.’


Parking Garage Moron

I don’t entirely understand why he was doing what he did. But he certainly did it.

(2.0meg Windows media)

see it here »


Legacy of an adventurer

‘This is the last haunting self- portrait of Andrew McAuley, a man and his kayak, alone. All around, a vast seascape of emptiness. The green-grey Tasman Sea heaving, the horizon a cruel circle.

For 30 days and nights, wherever the Australian adventurer turned his salt-rimmed eyes, he understood his aloneness.

“I never once doubted he would do it,” his wife, Vicki, said yesterday. And he almost did.

[..] At 7.15pm, the New Zealand Coastguard picked up an almost indecipherable distress signal from a vessel that identified itself as Kayak 1. There were two clear words: “help” and “sinking”. Then silence.’

Baby found dead in cupboard

‘The homicide squad is investigating the discovery of a dead baby in a cupboard of a family home at Geelong, south-west of Melbourne.

Police were called to a house in Peter Street, Grovedale at 6.15pm (AEDT) yesterday, when the newborn was found in a laundry cupboard.

A police spokesman said the circumstances of the baby’s death were unknown.

“The baby was born on the 24th of February, it was only one day old,” he said.

“(It was) located in the laundry cupboard of the house.”

The baby’s 37-year-old mother was taken to Geelong Hospital in shock.’

Lucky Jet Pilot Does A Loop

This guy is showing off, and it almost ends badly. Pretty cool tho. 🙂

(3.9meg Windows media)

see it here »


Pentagon panel created to plan bombing attack on Iran within 24 hours of Bush command

‘The United States is stepping up covert operations in Iran in a new strategy that risks sparking an “open confrontation” and benefits Sunni radicals, a US magazine reported Sunday.

In The New Yorker magazine, Seymour Hersh reports that US military and special-operations teams have increased their activities inside Iran, entering from Iraq to gather intelligence and to pursue Iranian operatives.’

Man aged 107 forsakes sex for longevity

‘A 107-year-old Hong Kong villager, who still enjoys an occasional smoke, has attributed his longevity in part to decades of sexual abstinence, a newspaper said on Sunday.

“I don’t know why I have lived this long,” Chan Chi — one of Hong Kong’s oldest people — was quoted as saying in the South China Morning Post during an annual feast for the city’s elders.

“Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have lived a sex-less life for many years — since I was 30,” said Chan, a widower whose youthful bride perished during the Japanese invasion in World War Two.’

Monday, February 26, 2007


Proposition Bets

Here’s a compilation of five videos demonstrating how to get free drinks at bars using some clever tricks.



Two videos of various fun things you can do with thermite.

(8.1 and 10.2meg Flash videos)

see it here »

Australia rocked by ‘lesbian’ koala revelation

‘Female koalas indulge in lesbian “sex sessions”, rejecting male suitors and attempting to mate with each other, sometimes up to five at a time, according to researchers.

The furry, eucalyptus-eating creatures appear to develop this tendency for same-sex liaisons when they are in captivity. In the wild, they remain heterosexual.

Scientists monitoring the marsupials with digital cameras counted three homosexual interactions for every heterosexual one.’


Davy Crockett: King of the Atomic Frontier

‘On 17 July 1962, a caravan of scientists, military men, and dignitaries crossed the remote desert of southern Nevada to witness a historic event. Among the crowd were VIPs such as Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and presidential adviser General Maxwell D. Taylor who had come to observe the “Little Feller I” test shot, the final phase of Operation Sunbeam. The main attraction was a secret device which was bolted to the roof of an armored personnel carrier, a contraption called the The Davy Crockett Weapon System.’


Woman allegedly advised by geese not guilty in tot death

‘A 53-year-old woman who claimed she received spiritual messages from geese before allegedly stabbing her toddler granddaughter to death was found not guilty by reason of insanity Friday.

A judge ordered Carol Lynn Pappas committed to the state mental health hospital, where officials will decide “when and if she will ever be released,” said Kathleen Walsh, spokeswoman for the district attorney.’


Pig Pig Pig

Hot sexy images.


Arse Shrapnel

Using a metal detector to find shrapnel left in a soldier’s buttocks.

(1.8meg Flash video)

see it here »


US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack

‘Some of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources.

Tension in the Gulf region has raised fears that an attack on Iran is becoming increasingly likely before President George Bush leaves office. The Sunday Times has learnt that up to five generals and admirals are willing to resign rather than approve what they consider would be a reckless attack.

“There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran,” a source with close ties to British intelligence said. “There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible.”’

1 In 3 Boys Heavy Porn Users, Study Shows

‘Is your child watching to porn? You may be surprised.

According to a new study by the University of Alberta, boys aged 13 and 14 living in rural areas, are the most likely of their age group to access pornography.

The study found that parents need to be more aware of how to monitor their children’s viewing habits.

Students were surveyed anonymously about how and how often they accessed sexually explicit media content on digital or satellite television, video and DVD and the Internet. Ninety percent of males and 70 percent of females reported accessing sexually explicit media content at least once. More than one-third of the boys reported viewing pornographic DVDs or videos “too many times to count”, compared to eight percent of the girls surveyed.’