
Monday, March 19, 2007


Man Gets $122G for Bite by Sister’s Cat

‘A nasty bite on the hand that a man got from his sister’s Siamese cat is worth $122,400.

A jury on Friday awarded Michael Sabo, 57, the money for an injury he got when the cat, Randy, bit his right hand in March 2004.

Sabo’s fingers swelled so much that they looked like “plump hot dogs,” his attorney, Tom Pabst, told The Flint Journal, and an infection put Sabo in a hospital for three weeks. He had to pay thousands in medical bills.’

One Response to “Man Gets $122G for Bite by Sister’s Cat”

  1. Lin Says:

    If I was this man’s sister, I would never speak to him again. I have been bitten the same way by a cat I owned, and my entire hand swelled up. I treated it myself, and even though it hurt extremely bad, it finally healed on its own. He knew the cat, knew it wasn’t infected, and he still was a wuss. And then on top of that, he takes from his sister financially?! I would like to know what he did to make the cat bite him. They don’t just bite like that for no reason. In my cat’s case, she was extremely frightened by another animal and I picked her up in the middle of her fright. I am glad she still has the cat. Wonder what her brother will do next to get money. He reminds me of that woman in McDonald’s who poured coffee on herself. Another money grubber who didn’t deserve one red cent.

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