
Monday, May 28, 2007


Amnesty in hot water on abortion

‘Amnesty International is facing upheaval and mass resignations after it decided last month to advocate that abortion be decriminalised worldwide.

Many Christians, especially Catholics, are expected to resign and may establish an alternative human rights organisation.

The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference is considering its response, but a senior Catholic said yesterday he thought “a parting of the ways” was inevitable. Amnesty estimates that 500 Catholic schools in Australia have member groups, as do other Christian schools.

Amnesty’s international executive adopted the policy last month as part of its campaign to curb violence against women. Widney Brown, Amnesty’s international director of policy, said yesterday the policy called for decriminalisation of abortion and access to secure abortions for pregnancies resulting from sexual violence, or that risk the mother’s life or health.’

2 Responses to “Amnesty in hot water on abortion”

  1. John Mallon Says:

    Abortion IS violence against women.

  2. moonbuggy Says:

    Hooray for assertions made with no substance or reference, I suppose. 🙂

    I think it’s up to each woman to decide such a thing for herself. Hopefully with some consideration of the father’s feelings on the issue.

    I don’t think anyone should dictate who does what with their own body.

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