
Sunday, July 15, 2007


Florida man owes $10,000 for child who’s not his

‘Francisco Rodriguez owes more than $10,000 in back child support payments in a paternity case involving a 15-year-old girl who, according to DNA results and the girl’s mother, is not his daughter. [..]

He now has DNA results that show the 15-year-old girl wasn’t fathered by him. He even has an affidavit from the girl’s mother — a former girlfriend from 1990 — saying he’s “not the father” and asking that Rodriguez no longer be required to pay child support.

Yet the state of Florida is continuing to push him to pay $305 a month to support the girl, as well as the more than $10,000 already owed. He spent a night in jail because of his delinquent payments. [..]

Rodriguez and his family continue to wait for answers.

“It’s hard when your daughter needs sneakers and you have to pay $305 or your husband goes to jail,” said Rodriguez’s wife, Michele. “It’s just unfair.”‘

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