
Sunday, July 29, 2007


Boy Has Unusual Passion For Vacuums

‘”When Kyle was a baby in his little baby seat and I’d be vacuuming, he would just be mesmerized by the vacuum and he would just; he’d follow it everywhere,” she says.

Kyle got his first vacuum at age 1, dressed up as a Dirt Devil for Halloween at 2, and, as a former teacher recalls, was vacuuming during school recess at age 6.

“It’s not that he didn’t like recess. He just preferred to stay inside vacuuming,” he says. “He would go down and, actually, one day vacuum one side of the room, the next day vacuum the other side. [He’d] also vacuum the principal’s office — anywhere he could vacuum.”

Today, Kyle has 165 vacuums. He uses almost all of them, vacuuming his own house up to five times a day.’

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