Archive for July, 2007


Monday, July 2, 2007


Kids given gay pick-up advice

‘German politicians have slammed role playing games being taught to school children on how to pick up a gay partner.

The Regional Institute for School and Media LISUM in Berlin has introduced the controversial exercises for school kids from 14 upwards as part of a way of reducing prejudice against homosexuals.

But the role-playing has outraged politicians.’


Sunday, July 1, 2007


‘Virgins rare, drug use common’

‘Just four per cent of US adults are virgins, but a fifth have tried hard drugs such as cocaine and crack, a new study shows.

What most alarms researchers is how young they start.

“We still have a public health problem in that we still see a lot of adults reporting their sexual debut at a pretty young age,” said Dr Kathryn Porter of the United States’ National Centre for Health Statistics, who led the survey of more than 6,000 people. [..]

Ninety-six per cent of US adults have engaged in some kind of sex – including oral and anal sex – by the age of 20, according to the study published today.’

Warehouse fire claims ton of marijuana

‘Firefighters who spent half an hour fighting a blaze in which 2,000 pounds of marijuana went up in smoke breathed so much of it that they would have failed a drug test, a fire chief said.

It took more than 35 firefighters, 1,000 gallons of water and five gallons of chemical suppressant to extinguish the warehouse blaze on Wednesday, Fire Chief Shawn Snider said. [..]

Snider said Thursday the firefighters were exposed to so much marijuana smoke that they would not be able to pass a drug test, despite wearing air packs to prevent them from inhaling toxic or hazardous fumes.’


John Stamos Drunk On Australian TV

‘John Stamos showed up drunk two days in a row while down in Australia promoting ER. After this interview with Kerri-Ann Kennerly Australia cancelled the rest of his interviews and sent him home.’

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Qatar’s cannibals fingered by victim

‘Four Asians who murdered another Asian and then ate his body were caught when one of their victim’s finger was found in the stomach of one during treatment for acute food poisoning, the daily Al-Sharq newspaper said today.

The Qatari newspaper said the four men had to seek emergency hospital treatment after eating part of the corpse, various bits of which, including a finger, showed up on hospital X-rays.’


Endless Assembly Lines and Giant Cafeterias

‘Toronto photographer Ed Burtynsky has photographed industrial landscapes for more than 25 years. From 2003 to 2005, he traveled to China several times to capture images of the country’s industrial growth.

A film crew followed Burtynsky on his fifth trip in 2005 to shoot the documentary Manufactured Landscapes, which opened this month in New York. A TED prize winner, Burtynsky manages to convey the scope of China’s growth through images where raw statistics have failed.’


Mike Rowe’s Greatest Television Moments…. on QVC

‘Before voice overs on Deadliest Catch and before Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe worked for QVC. And he was exactly the same. These are his a few of his greater moments, sorted by awesomeness.’

Man Who Ate 15 Brekkies

‘Gutsy Barry Bradley stunned hotel staff and fellow guests by wolfing down 15 fried breakfasts.

The businessman gobbled 30 sausages, 20 rashers of bacon, 15 fried eggs, three tins of beans, eight tomatoes and an entire punnet of mushrooms in an amazing three-hour sitting.

He also had six bowls of cereal plus one and a half croissants.

And the early morning feast cost him just £7.50 through an all-you-can-eat brekkie deal.

Barry, 47, who runs a building firm, said: “I had a hangover and wanted a way of feeling better.”

A waitress at the Premier Travel Inn in Kent said: “We couldn’t believe it – he looked like he was never going to stop.”‘

Diet Coke Bomb Prank

‘What the hell was that?’

(4.1meg Windows media)

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Exploding safe contained powerful firecrackers

‘The explosion at Demag Riggers and Cranes in Williston on Tuesday that killed a worker was caused by powerful fireworks stored in a safe, Williston police said.

Anthony Boisvert, 20, was using a cutting torch Tuesday to open the industrial safe when it exploded. [..]

The safe had been in an abandoned shed in Winooski since at least the mid-1990s. The safe was locked, the owner of the safe didn’t know the combination and didn’t know what was in it, Dimmick said.’

Britain to delete term “prostitute” from law books

‘Britain is proposing to remove the term “prostitute” from the criminal statutes because it carries too much stigma.

Instead, a new bill that the Justice Ministry has drafted refers simply to persons who sell sex persistently — defined as twice or more in three months.

“We just wanted to remove the stigma of the label ‘common prostitute’,” said a spokeswoman for the Justice Ministry.

“It’s been around since 1824, so it was a bit outdated. It just wasn’t really helpful to label people.”‘


Psychologists Attribute Yawning To The Need To Cool The Brain And Pay Attention

‘The psychologists, who studied yawning in college students, concluded that people do not yawn because they need oxygen, since experiments show that raising or lowering oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood fails to produce the reaction. Rather, yawning acts as a brain-cooling mechanism. The brain burns up to a third of the calories we consume, and as a consequence generates heat.

According to Gallup and Gallup, our brains, not unlike computers, operate more efficiently when cool, and yawning enhances the brain’s functioning by increasing blood flow and drawing in cooler air.’


Sokushinbutsu: Mummies in Northern Japan

‘So truely devote Buddhist priests are not afraid of death; but they don’t normally seek it either, as this too would be an abnormal obsession with the physical world. The priests that chose to practice self-mummification were usually all older men, who knew they had limited time left to their lives anyway… and since the practice takes years to lead to a sucessful death and mummification, it cannot be characterized as an attempt to reach enlightenment quickly as a normal suicide might be. Rather, the intended purpose of this practice for these priests is to both push their ability to disregard their physical selves to the limit of their ability, and to try and leave an artifact of this struggle that will stand as a symbol of their beliefs to those that are priests after them.’


Bike Tows Guy On Skateboard

‘Who would’ve guessed that towing a guy face first on a skateboard would not out as well as they planned? These kids need to take a Physics class.’

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Teacher acquitted in ‘I am a retard’ case

‘A teacher who forced a pupil to write ‘I am a retard’ 100 times has been acquitted of abuse charges by an Italian court.

The teacher, whose identity was withheld to protect her privacy, forced the punishment on the 12-year-old boy after he blocked a fellow pupil from going to the toilet and called him “gay” and “girly”.

The parents had sought 25,000 euros ($40,107) in damages and a public prosecutor had called for a two-month prison sentence, but the court cleared the teacher, a court source said.’


Cocaine-addled driver destroys entire cornfield on run from police

‘A driver who was high on cocaine destroyed an entire cornfield in an attempt to escape from the police.

Four police cars were destroyed before the 35-year-old crashed into a ditch and was arrested, near the village of Dussen in the south of the Netherlands.’

Spice Girls reunite for world tour

‘The Spice Girls, who burst on to the music scene with “girl power” and attitude in the 1990s, have reunited for a world tour, their Web site said on Thursday.
Spice Girls

“Hey everybody!! We’re back!! Can you believe it!!” Ginger, Sporty, Posh, Scary and Baby Spice announced on their Web site.’


Pill to make dieters ‘feel full’

‘Italian scientists have developed a pill that expands in the stomach to make dieters feel full.

They liken the effect to eating a bowl of spaghetti and say the pill can stop hunger for a few hours.

It is made from a hydrogel, which the team developed when trying to make more absorbent nappy linings, and may help in the battle against obesity.

So far it has been tested on 20 people but experts warned bigger trials would be needed to test safety.’


Special Ops Extraction

How do you get your boat out of a war zone? Kinda like Knight Rider.

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Car-crash prostitute may get compo for injuries

‘A sex worker hurt when she and her client plunged 100m down a Canterbury hillside in his car may be eligible for compensation for a work-related injury.

The woman is believed to have been in the car with a man driving on Christchurch’s Port Hills when the vehicle went off the Summit Rd in icy weather and fell into a gully early on Friday morning.

It is understood the man had hired the woman for sexual services before the accident. [..]

An Accident Compensation Corporation spokesman told the Herald he did not know details of the case, but if the woman was registered as a sex worker and paid taxes, she could make a claim for a work-related injury based on that.’

Trapped fisherman cuts off own fingers with pocket knife

‘With his hand wedged between his boat and a log, and his future son-in-law off getting help, William Messenger decided he was out of time. He pulled out a pocket knife and sawed off two of his fingertips to free himself from the sinking vessel.

Minutes later, his son-in-law arrived with help, a pry bar and other tools to separate the boat from the log. Messenger was rushed from the Wynoochee River in southwestern Washington to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, where a hospital spokeswoman said he was in satisfactory condition Monday. She did not know if surgeons had been able to reattach the fingertips.

Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott said Messenger, a 51-year-old fisherman from Ocean Shores, might have made a different decision if he had known how quickly his future son-in-law, Jarrad Todd, would arrive.’


Germany imposes ban on Tom Cruise

‘Germany has banned the makers of Tom Cruise’s new movie from filming at military sites in the country because the actor is a Scientologist.

The German defence ministry said Cruise has “publicly professed to being a member of the Scientology cult”.

Scientology masquerades as a religion to make money, Germany said, but leaders of the church reject this.

Cruise’s producing partner Paula Wagner said the star’s own convictions had no relation to the film’s content.’

Murder fugitive on the dole

‘A fugitive sentenced yesterday for the brutal bashing murder of his 61-year-old partner is continuing to receive welfare benefits while on the run.

Apolonio Serrano, 66, killed his girlfriend with a chair before disposing of her body and lying about her whereabouts.

The killer vanished near the end of his trial for the murder of Milicia Trailovic around Christmas 2003.

When he failed to show up at the Supreme Court, police searched his Hallam home and found his car and clothes missing, his fridge empty and power off.

Prosecutor Raymond Gibson today told the court Serrano is on welfare benefits through Centrelink and the agency have refused to cut the payments off despite requests from police.’


Marble Based Calculator

A mechanical binary adding machine.

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Boy’s face stuck in barbed wire

‘A six-year-old boy is recovering from lacerations to his face after becoming entangled in a roll of barbed wire in Midlothian.

The schoolboy was playing in his garden when he pushed his head into a discarded roll of barbed wire at his home in Dalkeith.

As he struggled to free himself, the barbs dug into his face.’


Teens jumping on oil tank thrown 150 yards in explosion

‘Authorities are hoping witness at a party Saturday night on the Western Slope will help with information on an oil tank explosion that killed two teenagers. [..]

Several in the group then moved the party to a near by oil pump. Authorities say 17-year- old Samuel Hedemark and 19-year-old Christopher Fuller climbed on top of a large, 20-foot tall oil storage tank and began to jump up and down.

The tank exploded, killing the teens and throwing their bodies 150 yards.

“Once they got up on the tank they were jumping up and down which was causing it to release vapors from the tank through a release valve on top of tank. At some point that tank exploded,” said Joos.’

Russia lays claim to the North Pole

‘Russian President Vladimir Putin is making an astonishing bid to grab a vast chunk of the Arctic – so he can tap its vast potential oil, gas and mineral wealth.

His scientists claim an underwater ridge near the North Pole is really part of Russia’s continental shelf.

One newspaper printed a map of the “new addition”, a triangle five times the size of Britain with twice as much oil as Saudi Arabia.

The dramatic move provoked an international outcry. The U.S. and Canada expressed shock and environment campaigners said it would be a disaster.

Observers say the move is typical of Putin’s muscle-flexing as he tries to increase Russian power.’


Research breakthrough may lead to HIV cure

‘A new study says, in a breakthrough that could potentially lead to a cure for HIV infection, scientists have discovered a way to remove the virus from infected cells.

According to the study published in Science magazine, the scientists engineered an enzyme which attacks the DNA of the HIV virus and cuts it out of the infected cell.

The enzyme is still far from being ready to use as a treatment, the authors warned, but it offers a glimmer of hope for the more than 40 million people infected worldwide.

“A customised enzyme that effectively excises integrated HIV-1 from infected cells in vitro might one day help to eradicate (the) virus from AIDS patients,” Alan Engelman, of Harvard University’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, wrote in an article accompanying the study.’

First Date Honest Answers

Whatever, slut.

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Accused Of Having Sex With His Bike

‘A man has been charged with having sex with his bike.

Robert Stewart was allegedly caught in the act by two terrified cleaners who walked into his bedroom in a hostel.

Stewart has denied the accusation, claiming it was caused by a misunderstanding after he had too much to drink. [..]

The charge alleges he conducted himself in a disorderly manner, simulated sex with a bicycle and continued to do so while naked from the waist down in the presence of two female employees.’
