Archive for July, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007


Butterfly shows evolution at work

‘Scientists say they have seen one of the fastest evolutionary changes ever observed in a species of butterfly.

The tropical Blue Moon butterfly has developed a way of fighting back against parasitic bacteria.

Six years ago, males accounted for just 1% of the Blue Moon population on two islands in the South Pacific.

But by last year, the butterflies had developed a gene to keep the bacteria in check and male numbers were up to about 40% of the population.’

US ‘dirty bomb’ sting shows risk

‘US investigators posing as businessmen were easily able to obtain a licence to buy enough nuclear material to make a small “dirty bomb”, Congress has heard.

The team, who set up a bogus company, said the operation exposed serious flaws in the way the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approves licences.

It took only four weeks and some phone calls and faxes to get the document.

The NRC says it has already taken steps to address the problem. The sting was carried out at the request of Congress.

Investigators from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) said they had not even had to leave their desks to acquire the licence.’


McMaster claims stem-cell breakthrough

‘A landmark discovery by researchers at McMaster University could radically alter the way scientists can use embryonic stem cells to grow replacement tissues and treat cancer.

In a surprise revelation, a McMaster study found that human embryonic stem cells – “the great grandmothers” of all the other cells in our bodies – build themselves a nurturing cocoon that feeds them and directs their ability to transform into other types of tissues.

And by manipulating the products of this tiny, cellular placenta, it may be possible for scientists to prompt the stem cells to grow into desired tissues and organs, or to switch off tumour growth in cancers, says Mickie Bhatia, the lead study author.

The study will appear in an upcoming issue of the leading scientific journal Nature.’

Canadians can now mention bombs, guns at airports

‘Air travelers in Canada who make comments about bombs and guns will from now on only be arrested if it is clear they are making a serious threat, officials said on Wednesday.

The Canadian Air Transport Safety Authority, trying to clamp down on screeners who alert police every time they hear alarming words, has issued a bulletin urging staff to show more discretion. [..]

Brigitte Caron, a spokeswoman for the authority, compared the new system to handing out yellow warning cards in soccer. A player can receive one yellow card and still stay in the game.’


Water Jug Baseball

If you’re drunk enough, your friends face is a suitable substitute for the baseball.

(1.2meg Flash video)

see it here »


Chinese food ‘made from cardboard’

‘Chopped cardboard, softened with an industrial chemical and flavored with fatty pork and powdered seasoning, is a main ingredient in batches of steamed buns sold in one Beijing neighborhood, state television said.

The report, aired late Wednesday on China Central Television, highlights the country’s problems with food safety despite government efforts to improve the situation.

Countless small, often illegally run operations exist across China and make money cutting corners by using inexpensive ingredients or unsavory substitutes. They are almost impossible to regulate.’


Construction Woes Add to Fears at Embassy in Iraq

‘The first signs of trouble, according to the cable, emerged when the kitchen staff tried to cook the inaugural meal in the new guard base on May 15. Some appliances did not work. Workers began to get electric shocks. Then a burning smell enveloped the kitchen as the wiring began to melt.

All the food from the old guard camp — a collection of tents — had been carted to the new facility, in the expectation that the 1,200 guards would begin moving in the next day. But according to the cable, the electrical meltdown was just the first problem in a series of construction mistakes that soon left the base uninhabitable, including wiring problems, fuel leaks and noxious fumes in the sleeping trailers.’


Friends restore Lotus in secret

‘A sports car enthusiast who suffered a mini stroke while restoring a Lotus Esprit was amazed when online friends finished the work for him in secret.

Simon Pritchard, 36, from Abergavenny, had been in the process of rebuilding the 25-year-old car when he fell ill.

When members of the Lotus Esprit online forum website heard, they donated money and time to fix it. [..]

“I was so overwhelmed, I cried like a baby and then passed out. [..]’

Be Nice To America

Hilarity in a bumper sticker. 🙂

Be Nice To America


Thursday, July 12, 2007


Suicide link to prison overcrowding

‘Prison overcrowding is contributing to a sharp rise in inmate suicides in jails in England and Wales, the Chief Inspector of Prisons said today.

So far this year, some 50 prisoners have taken their own lives, compared to 67 in the whole of last year.

If deaths continue at the same rate, it would reverse a trend which has seen prison suicides fall from levels such as 95 in 2002, 94 in 2003 and 95 in 2004 to 78 in 2005 and 67 in 2006.

Chief Inspector of Prisons, Anne Owers, said that the recent overcrowding crisis had seen newly-convicted prisoners housed in police and courthouse cells, where they do not have access to the support proper jails offer at their time of greatest vulnerability.’


Man arrives at wedding year early

‘Teacher Dave Barclay flew thousands of miles across the Atlantic to Wales to attend his friend’s wedding, only to discover he was a year early.

Barclay, 34, was told about the wedding earlier in the year and assumed it was to take place in 2007.

It was only when he had flown into Cardiff from Toronto, Canada, and rang the bridegroom seeking details of the venue that he discovered the wedding was in 2008.

“I am a year early — yeah, my mates are loving it, aren’t they,” he told BBC Radio Wales.’

The Avatar Machine

‘The virtual communities created by online games have provided us with a new medium for social interaction and communication. Avatar Machine is a system which replicates the aesthetics and visuals of third person gaming, allowing the user to view themselves as a virtual character in real space via a head mounted interface. The system potentially allows for a diminished sense of social responsibility, and could lead the user to demonstrate behaviors normally reserved for the gaming environment.’

(2.1meg Flash video)

see it here »

Jury duty excuse: I’m a racist, homophobic liar

‘A Cape Cod man who claimed he was homophobic, racist and a habitual liar to avoid jury duty earned an angry rebuke from a judge on Monday, who referred the case to prosecutors for possible charges. [..]

On a questionnaire that all potential jurors fill out, Ellis wrote that he didn’t like homosexuals and blacks. He then echoed those sentiments in an interview with Nickerson.

“You say on your form that you’re not a fan of homosexuals,” Nickerson said.

“That I’m a racist,” Ellis interrupted.

“I’m frequently found to be a liar, too. I can’t really help it,” Ellis added.

“I’m sorry?” Nickerson said.

“I said I’m frequently found to be a liar,” Ellis replied.

“So, are you lying to me now?” Nickerson asked.

“Well, I don’t know. I might be,” was the response.’

Burglars Use Google To Crack Safe

A tip for burglars: do the Google search for “how to open a safe” _before_ you begin your robbery.

(3.4meg Flash video)

see it here »


Charges expected in collar bomb case

‘Two people are expected to be charged Wednesday in connection with the bizarre 2003 case in which a pizza deliveryman died after a collar bomb attached to him exploded, CNN has learned.

Brian Wells died August 28, 2003, in Erie, Pennsylvania, after he claimed gunmen grabbed him, locked the bomb around his neck and ordered him to rob a bank. Police detained him after the robbery, and the device exploded as he waited on the pavement. A bomb squad was en route to the scene but did not arrive in time.’

The Smoking Gun has more.

Religious Book Seller Struck By Lightning

‘A man making a trip from Puerto Rico to South Florida to raise money for his religious education remains hospitalized Monday after he was struck down by a bolt of lightning which flew from clear blue sky on Sunday. He was selling religious materials when he was hit.

Hailu Kidane Marian was working with members of his religious group, selling religious materials door-to-door in a Northwest Miami-Dade neighborhood, when the bolt from the blue struck him down.

“I heard a boom, and I looked and the guy jumped back, and he just laid there, stiff,” said witness Maria Martinez. [..]

“He’s unconscious, he’s in a coma,” said Francisco Perez, leader of the Puerto Rico-based group. “It’s difficult what happened, you know, but what can we do? Things happen in life, but we still believe in God.”‘


Man Tries To Bail Friend Out Of Jail With No ID, Car Full Of Drugs

‘A man who wanted to bail his friend out of the Marion County jail is behind bars after a high speed chase.

Deputies said he drove to the sheriff’s office with a trunk full of drugs and no ID. The 100 mile-per-hour chase began when deputies tried to check Eugene Allen’s ID at the front gate of the jail. Allen didn’t have any ID, so he sped off, hitting a sergeant’s car and an SUV before flipping over.

Allen faces charges for driving on a suspended license and having cocaine and methamphetamines.’


Gunman’s threat to PM

‘A man armed with a gun has been detained in Tasmania after he attempted to buy an airline ticket, saying he needed to visit Prime Minister John Howard.

The incident this morning came as Mr Howard toured northern Tasmania campaigning.

It is understood the man walked into Launceston Airport this morning and demanded a ticket to Sydney, saying he needed to visit Mr Howard.

He was found to be in possession of a gun and police were immediately called by airline staff.’


Rope Handcuffs

Seems you start off with a clove hitch and then modify it slightly.

I’ll have to try this out and see how well it works.

(3.3meg Flash video)

see it here »


Man Accused Of Urinating On Parade Spectators

‘A Nova Scotia man has brought the term “raining on the parade” to a whole new level.

Eighteen-year-old Corey Rondelet appeared in a Pictou court yesterday on a charge of urinating from an upper window onto spectators watching the annual Lobster Carnival parade on Saturday.

Horrified parade-goers told the Mounties a half-naked man was exposing himself and peeing from the window.’

Dog Sodomizes Toddler

‘This two-year-old pit bull shows no signs of aggression, but it did on Sunday when it apparently sodomized a Lockport toddler. [..]

Lockport Police Detective Captain Larry Eggert said, “A little boy was home with his family, and the family pit bull actually sodomized the boy.”

Eggert told us the boy’s family members and neighbors had to beat the dog to get it off the child.

Schultz: How serious are the child’s injuries?

Eggert: He’s had some surgeries to repair some pretty significant damage.’


Man sells baby son to pay for wife’s funeral

‘An Indian man “mortgaged” his baby son to pay for his wife’s cremation after she died giving birth, reports said today.

Bipin Gagarai of the southeast state of Orissa said he “mortgaged” his son for 1,200 rupees ($31) because he did not have enough money to pay for the funeral.

“As he had no money to transport the body to his village and undertake funeral expenses, he handed over the baby to a childless couple who paid him 1,200 rupees,” the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

But district official Shivaji Bhuyan said Mr Gagarai had promised he would reclaim the infant once he had earned enough money to pay back the debt.’


Bush’s sarcastic response sends a girl into tears

‘Although his biting sarcasm in response to unfriendly questions can make members of the White House press corps grumble under their breath, President Bush got a different reaction from a 13-year-old girl who asked him about immigration during a forum in Ohio.

The Washington Times reports Jessica Hackerd was left in tears after Bush gave her a wry “yeah, thanks” in response to her query, drawing laughter from the crowd of 400 in Brecksville, Ohio Tuesday. Bush immediately began to backpedal when he saw the reaction from Hackerd, who told the Times she was crying because she is very shy and was nervous questioning the president.’

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Gilligan’s Long Island

‘Watch the teeth, Ginger!’

News Reporter Blooper

It’s hard to talk and walk at the same time. 🙂

(421kB Flash video)

see it here »

US woman arrested over dry lawn

‘A 70-year-old US woman has been left bruised and bloody after an unexpected clash with police who came to caution her for not watering her lawn.

Trouble flared when Utah pensioner Betty Perry, 70, refused to give her name after being upbraided because her garden breached local regulations.

She says the officer hit her with handcuffs, cutting her nose, although police insist she slipped and fell.

Ms Perry said she was “distraught” after the incident.’


Judge temporarily bars cheeky billboards

‘In response to a minister’s complaint, a judge on Monday temporarily barred bare buttocks billboards that a bidet company had planned to put up in Broadway’s theater district on a building that houses a church.

State Supreme Court Justice Marcy Friedman ordered the temporary restraining order against raising the billboards at the request of the Rev. Neil Rhodes, pastor of the interdenominational Times Square Church.

The billboard ads, featuring naked buttocks with smiley faces, were to promote the Washlet, a bidet-toilet seat that uses warm water and air. They were to go up for 30 days beginning July 1 on two sides of the building at 51st Street and Broadway that houses the Times Square Church, which claims 8,000 members, and its Bible school and day care center.’

Followup to NYC Pastor Objects to Naked Display.

Baby mammoth discovery unveiled

‘A baby mammoth unearthed in the permafrost of north-west Siberia could be the best preserved specimen of its type, scientists have said.

The frozen carcass is to be sent to Japan for detailed study.

The six-month-old female calf was discovered on the Yamal peninsula of Russia and is thought to have died 10,000 years ago.

The animal’s trunk and eyes are still intact and some of its fur remains on the body.’

(2.0meg Flash video)

see it here »


Neil Armstrong – The Awful Truth

‘In 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first man to walk on the moon, uttering the immortal phrase, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Or did he? Previously suppressed footage discovered by blogjam shows that Armstrong’s reaction was a great deal more uninhibited than history suggests, and that a hasty editing job was needed to prepare the astronaut’s moment of glory for broadcast.

So here, for the first time, is the unedited NASA film from the triumphant Apollo 11 mission.’

(358kB Shockwave)


Artist ordered to tear down ‘road sign’ sculptures after they cause a dozen accidents a month

‘Council chiefs have ordered an artist to tear down his work after he installed 10 random road signs at a busy junction on a main road – sending motorists round the bend.

More than 100 motorists complained that the signs, which included a no entry sign, a one-way sign and a mini roundabout sign – none of which applied to the road in question in Ashford, Kent – had caused at least 12 minor accidents. [..]

Resident Ann Steare agreed, adding: “I have seen drivers slam on the brakes to stop and stare at it. They don’t know which of the signs to obey. It is amazing that it was allowed in the first place.”‘
