
Monday, August 6, 2007


Man denies prostituting girl for diesel

‘A man accused of selling a teenage girl for sex in return for drums of diesel denied yesterday that it ever happened.

David John Chaney, 58, of Cwmbran, is accused of procuring the girl to become a prostitute and living off the profits of prostitution.

He has denied the charges and nine other counts at Cardiff Crown Court. The other counts include five charges of indecent assault, one of rape, and three of supplying drugs.

Chaney, of The Crescent, told the court he visited a burger van in a lay-by with the girl on a number of occasions and that a lorry driver who stopped there had offered him diesel.

Asked by his barrister, Hilary Roberts, if he had offered the girl to the driver to buy or have sex with, on that or any other occasion, Chaney replied “no”.’

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