Shoplifter fights security guard
‘A city woman who apparently thought she couldn’t be arrested for stealing once she left the store was in fact charged with multiple misdemeanors yesterday after, police said, she fought with the Neiman Marcus security guard who caught her.
Jazmine Roberts, 19, “went into a rage, repeatedly yelling ‘it’s too late, I already left the store,’ ” according to a police report of the incident, which took place shortly before 4 p.m. at Maple Avenue and Paulding Street.
Roberts, of 86 Dekalb Ave., was seen stealing a $251 pair of jeans at the store by the guard who, police said, followed her outside and apprehended her after a struggle during which Roberts allegedly pulled the guard’s hair, bit her on the wrist and choked her. The guard, who was not identified, was not seriously injured.’
August 13th, 2007 at 1:15 am
$251 dollar jeans? ……………….. heh
August 13th, 2007 at 8:10 pm
It is a lot to spend on pants, imho. Prolly why she just stole ’em instead.