
Sunday, September 2, 2007


Himalayan high for cat who cleaned up at party

‘A Double Bay man got more than he bargained for when he took his highly agitated kitten to a veterinary clinic after it had been accidentally locked in a cupboard overnight – only to discover it was high on cocaine and benzodiazepines from a wild weekend dinner party. [..]

The eight-month-old Himalayan cat arrived at the Double Bay clinic on a Monday morning with dilated pupils and a racing heart. The owner said it had trouble walking and was easily startled, said a report in this month’s edition of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. [..]

The vets rang the owner’s wife, who admitted the cat could have licked “plates of cocaine”, which had been served at a dinner party two days earlier. A drug screen then revealed the cat also had benzodiazepines in its system.’

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