
Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Bid to steer ‘bomb’ bus into traffic

‘A bus driver has described the harrowing seconds when he had to fight off a man who allegedly tried to steer his bus into oncoming traffic during this morning’s peak hour, and then allegedly said he had a bomb on board.

Greyhound bus driver Con Jansen, 47, from Chatswood, was four hours into his shift driving a Brisbane to Sydney charter bus with 26 people on board when a man suddenly tried to grab the large bus’s steering from him.

“I was driving along, the next minute I’ve got a guy grabbing the steering wheel,” said Mr Jansen, who had been driving the bus on Pennant Hills Road, near the corner of Beecroft Road, in Sydney’s north-west about 8.25am when the attack occurred.

“You’re just sitting down driving, you don’t expect anyone to jump on top of you.”‘

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