
Monday, October 1, 2007


Cardiologist Accused Of Hitting Patient Resigns

State health regulators have determined that a La Jolla cardiologist hit a combative patient repeatedly after an angioplasty, placing him in jeopardy, it was reported Thursday.

Dr. Maurice Buchbinder made “chopping like blows to the patient’s abdomen,” tried to hit his leg “with a substantial amount of force” and “used the tip of his elbow to hit (him) on the forehead” during the incident on Aug. 24, three witnesses told investigators, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported. [..]

After the patient was moved to a gurney when the angioplasty was finished, the physician told him, “You are an animal” and then “grabbed and twisted the patient’s nose,” making it turn “bluish,” the witnesses said, according to the Union-Tribune.’

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