
Monday, October 1, 2007


Police Say Jaws Of Life Used In Vandalism

‘Some volunteer firefighters in Vermont have been accused of using Jaws of Life during a vandalism spree, WPTZ-TV in in Plattsburgh, N.Y., reported.

Firefighters usually use the tool to help victims of serious car crashes escape the mangled wreckage. [..]

Police said the four started the spree at the Berlin Mall and Central Vermont Hospital, pulling hubcaps and windshield wipers from cars. The four then headed to the Montpelier park and the town of Northfield, damaging pay phones and stealing street signs, police said.

Police said they got a break in the case in mid-September when someone came forward with information into the case, including that the vandalism may have been part of a dare.

Police said they aren’t sure who dared the four, and the Berlin Fire Department said it never had any involvement in the crime nor did it know the equipment had been used.’

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