
Monday, October 1, 2007


Scottish tourism concern as Loch Ness monster sightings dwindle

‘Fewer people are reporting sightings of the Loch Ness monster, amid concerns scepticism about its existence could threaten tourism in the region.

There have only been two reports of sightings this year, compared to three in 2006 and much lower than a decade ago, when the annual number sightings was consistently in the double digits.

“It’s becoming a potential crisis,” said Mikko Takala, 39, a founding member of the Loch Ness Monster Fan Club who runs four webcams on the lake’s north shore.
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There have been more than 4000 purported sightings of “Nessie” since a surgeon vacationing at the lake in the 1930s released a photo allegedly capturing the legendary monster on film.

Since then, the monster has been a key tourism draw, bringing an estimated £6 million a year into the Highland economy.’

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