
Monday, October 1, 2007


The 14 or 15 Commandments

So, according to the wiki there are actually 14 or 15 different commandments listed in the Bible. They’re listed twice, and they say slightly different things in each place, particularly concerning the Sabbath.

Different Christian sects group the commandments together differently, combining them arbitrarily here and there to bring the number down to the official “10”. Some branches of Christianity regard one of the commandments merely as a preface.

And then there’s the Evangelicals:

‘Modern Evangelicalism, under the influence of dispensationalism, commonly denies that the commandments have any abiding validity as a requirement binding upon Christians [..]’

Oh, also, in the proper historical context, “Thou shall not steal” actually means “Thou shall not kidnap”.

Because everyone knows that the wisest people of all are those that stop counting when they run out of fingers. Good effort, fellas. 🙂

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