Archive for April, 2008


Thursday, April 10, 2008


10,000 random images and counting

I just passed 10,000 images hosted on the image site. There’s shitloads of stuff there now, and it’s good. 🙂

Judging by the various sites I source images from, my image site is now one of the larger sites of its type on the internet. [Photobucket and the like don’t count, is my theory. :)]

Go and have a look, because you know love it. And so does your mother.


Savage Love – Feathered Friends

‘As an avid reader of your column, I thought of you and only you for help with this problem. My grandmother, 78 and widowed, is a kind, generous woman who has seen her share of difficult times. She is a bit offbeat, but extremely conservative and religious. After my grandfather passed on, she purchased a lively little parakeet and named him Pretty Baby. Pretty Baby has provided wonderful companionship and entertainment for my grandmother, even learning to speak to her. Pretty is an amazing mimic, repeating phrases she has taught him: “I love you,” “lock the door!”, “give me kisses,” etc.

The problem is the kissing… or what I recently witnessed the kissing leads to. One evening Pretty began to squawk “give me kisses, give me kisses” and my grandmother walked over to the cage and slipped one finger between the bars. Pretty Baby proceeded to “kiss” her fingernail and flutter about. She purred, “Give Grandma lovin’, Pretty Baby, give Grandma lovin’.” She then turned to me and said, “Pretty Baby wants to give me lovin’ and he won’t quiet down until he does.” Pretty Baby proceeded to screech more and more loudly, as he humped my grandmother’s finger wildly. She also moved it back and forth for him. I was stunned and unsure of what was happening so I sat quietly in my chair looking in the opposite direction, hoping I wasn’t really witnessing what I thought I was. My grandmother cleared it up quickly, saying, “He’ll calm down after he climaxes,” smiling away and continuing to repeat, “Give me your lovin’, Pretty Baby, that’s it….” When Pretty Baby was finished, she looked back at me and said, “I better wash my hands!” I left minutes later, unable to process what had just happened. Grandmother, however, never flinched, acting like it was an everyday occurrence.’


Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Bay Shore man charged with setting booby traps

‘A Bay Shore man was arrested Saturday morning after booby-trapping his apartment door with a crutch, an elastic cord and a large knife, Suffolk police said.

Eric Stetz, of Brook Avenue, was charged with reckless endangerment after the building superintendent discovered the ready-to-stab device while trying to open Stetz’s door Thursday, police said.

The superintendent and a Verizon agent had come to Stetz’s home for a visit the super had warned Stetz would be necessary, police said. When their knocks went unanswered — Stetz was not home — the super went to open the door, felt resistance and found the rigged contraption, police said. [..]

Stetz was not charged in connection with a similar booby trap installed on a bedroom door in the apartment, said Sgt. Kevin Beyrer of the Third Precinct.

Stetz’s mother, Freda Stetz, said her son had rigged the device with a steak knife to protect himself from squatters who had taken up residence in the building.’

Potent HIV killer found in alligator blood

‘Powerful infection-fighting proteins found in alligator blood could help fight HIV and antibiotic-resistant ‘superbugs’ in humans, suggests new American research.

Scientists who successfully extracted the active proteins from alligators’ white blood cells have found that these kill a wide variety of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The findings were presented over the weekend at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in New Orleans.

“We’re very excited about the potential of these alligator blood proteins as both antibacterial and antifungal agents,” says Mark Merchant, principal investigator at McNeese State University in Louisiana, USA, and co-author of the study. “There’s a very real possibility that you could be treated with an alligator blood product one day.”‘


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


DVD piracy too rife among police to prosecute

‘Hundreds of police officers across South Australia caught using their work computers to illegally copy movie DVDs will escape prosecution.

The activity – strictly banned under federal copyright laws – was detected during an audit conducted by the information technology branch of SA Police.

Senior police, including Commissioner Mal Hyde, have been briefed on the extent of the problem.

An internal email to police management said the audit had “identified a number of instances where commercial DVD movies have been copied to the hard-drives of police computers which potentially had been burnt to blank DVDs”.

“This practice is potentially a breach of copyright and misuse of SAPOL equipment,” it said.’


Medical high jinks leave Tom Cruise camp fuming

‘Tom Cruise isn’t getting any giggles from a new strain of medical marijuana being marketed as “Tom Cruise Purple.”

Word is that the actor’s lawyers are taking a serious look at the strong brand of bud after we brought it to their attention.

One of Cruise’s friends found it “outrageous” that licensed cannabis clubs in Northern California are selling vials of pot featuring a picture of Cruise laughing hysterically. [..]

Staffers at several California clinics we called said they were forbidden to discuss any of the herbal varieties in their “inventory.”

But one weed devotee said, “I heard it’s the kind of pot that makes you hallucinate.”‘


Man dies from mercury poisoning after trying to extract gold

‘A man who was poisoned March 19 while trying to use mercury to extract gold from computer parts has died and the home is so contaminated that it cannot be lived in, an emergency official said. [..]

The home is located on Winnett Road southeast of Colbert. Winnett and Melissa Lake drove themselves to the hospital after inhaling mercury vapors, according to authorities. [..]

Mercury has a chemical reaction with gold and causes it to separate, according to Dalton. Authorities believe the couple heated the mercury and accidentally inhaled it.

The home was immediately cordoned off after the incident. Dalton said he did not know how much mercury was inside the home, but the residence would have to be gutted before it could ever be used again.’

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Man Caught Having Sex with Picnic Table

(4.2meg Flash video)

see it here »

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Boy, 12, Kills Man Who Attacked His Mom

‘A 12-year-old boy fatally slashed a man who was attacking his mother at the boarding house where they lived, authorities said.

Salomon Noubissie, 64, died at a hospital after he was slashed across the neck Monday night in the home in the Landover area.

Cpl. Diane Richardson, a spokeswoman for Prince George’s County police, said Wednesday that authorities hadn’t decided whether the boy would be charged with anything. They were reviewing the case with the state’s attorney’s office. [..]

The boy said he was not happy with what happened but felt he had no choice.’

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Mr. T brought boy out of coma

‘Former The A-Team star Mr. T once stunned a sick child’s family by bringing him out of a coma – after doctors begged the actor for help.

The poorly kid fell unconscious in Detroit, Michigan in the mid-1980s – and the only physical movement he made was in response to hearing Mr. T’s name.

And when the mohawked star was in town, he stopped by the hospital to visit the ill boy – with miraculous results.’

Apple Sued For Saying New iMac Is Cool When It Isn’t

‘Apple deceptively marketed its new 20-inch iMac in a way that grossly inflated the capabilities of its monitor, which is vastly inferior to the previous generation it replaced, according to a federal class action lawsuit filed today by Kabateck Brown Kellner, LLP.

According to the suit, filed in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California in San Jose, Apple is deceiving consumers by concealing that the new 20-inch iMac monitors are inferior to the previous generation’s and those of the new 24-inch iMac. In addition, the monitors are incapable of displaying “millions of colors,” despite Apple’s marketing claims.

Apple’s newest iMac – an “all-in-one” desktop computer that combines the monitor into the same case as the CPU – was unveiled in August 2007.’
