
Tuesday, May 20, 2008


the answer to life, the universe and everything plus the number of horns on a unicorn

10 Responses to “the answer to life, the universe and everything plus the number of horns on a unicorn”

  1. charles Says:

    hey thats neat. you made a unique search on google. thumbed up the results page from google and crafted a linkbait page to catch the curious stumblers eye. so is there a point? cause i didn’t see any content.

  2. moonbuggy Says:

    It is pretty neat, actually. Although it was entirely unintentional. 🙂 I only just noticed I was at the top of the search results today.

    The only point of this page is to link to the Google results. Therefore the only content is the title and the link attached to it.

    And the cool little infinite loop. 🙂

  3. Anders Hattne Says:

    I don’T get it. I’m just browsing around in this circle……?

  4. Jocco Johnson Says:

    You suck FAG!

  5. Fenir Says:

    How is it so hard to understand that the link referrs to the google calculator result?

  6. hahahahaha Says:

    hahaha you guys suck ;D

  7. moonbuggy Says:

    Quite hard, apparently, Fenir. 🙂

  8. Says:

    I actually came to this site by searching for that…

  9. Toe Says:

    Very cool. Google Suggest told me to come here..

  10. case667 Says:

    this is so lame yall need 2 come up with some better tricks n funnier comments lol yall suck

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