Posts tagged as: biomed


Thursday, February 15, 2007


Angry Eye Doctor

This man is a lunatic.

(9.9meg Windows media)

see it here »


Attorneys: Man who gutted cellmate had mental problems

‘The man accused of killing his prison cellmate, then gutting him and hanging his intestines from a clothesline in his cell, has a history of brain injuries and untreated mental problems that would have made it difficult for him to think clearly, plot a murder or “resist impulses,” defense attorneys said today. [..]

In opening statements this morning, Assistant U.S. Attorney Brenda Taylor said the evidence is clear — and captured on a gruesome videotape — that William Sablan and his cousin Rudy Sablan killed Estrella. On the video, which guards began recording after they discovered Estrella dead in the cell, the Sablans are seen holding up Estrella’s organs, Taylor said. [..]

The 18 jurors, made up of 12 women and four men, are expected to see that video this afternoon.’


Therapist shows woman penis photo

‘A therapist from North Somerset has admitted showing a client a picture of his penis on his mobile phone because he thought she was “broad-minded”.

Julian Midda of Eastcliffe, Portishead is alleged to have inappropriately touched the pensioner twice while treating her at home in south Wales.

Mr Midda denies two counts of sexual assault on 24 April 2006.

He admitted showing the picture was inappropriate, but added: “She seemed quite amused by it.”‘

Insecurity may drain your immune system

‘Feeling insecure in close relationships may take a toll on the immune system, preliminary Italian research suggests.

A team led by Dr Angelo Picardi from the Italian National Institute of Health in Rome reports its findings in the current issue of the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

In a study of 61 healthy women the researchers found that those who had difficulty establishing close, trusting relationships showed signs of weaker immune function.

Specifically, lab experiments showed that the women’s “natural killer” immune system cells were less lethal compared with those from other study participants.’

Monday, February 12, 2007


DNA test shows Hanson’s Middle Eastern heritage

‘Former One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, the outspoken proponent of polarising immigration policies, has discovered she is of Middle Eastern heritage.

Ms Hanson said she was “amazed” and “mystified” to learn of her ancestry.

A recent DNA swab, taken with Ms Hanson’s permission by The Sunday Mail, has revealed the controversial former MP’s genetic makeup is drawn from a rich multicultural background, with 9 per cent originating in the Middle East, 32 per cent from Italy, Greece or Turkey and 59 per cent from northern Europe.

When told of the results, the former fish and chip shop owner appeared flustered, making references to “rape and pillage” in ancient times, adding: “All I can think of is that probably down the track it eventuated from some war.’


US immigration cavity search ends in agony

‘US immigration officials insisted the sufferer of an anal infection remove a small piece of medical thread which was being used by doctors to treat the condition. The man required treatment under general anaesthetic as a result.

The man had an anal fistula, which is a painful channel that can develop deep into the anus, caused by infection or digestive conditions such as Crohn’s disease. [..]

The seton was made of a blue braided medical suture material knotted and passed into the hole where the fistula surfaced. After one baffled immigration officer pulled “very hard” on the seton, the patient was given the choice by the baffled immigration officers of either getting on the next plane home, or submitting himself to a procedure to have it removed. [..]

The seton was duly removed by an airport doctor, who claimed to have no idea what it was. The man now requires treatment under general anaesthetic to have a replacement inserted.’

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Coroner kept man’s heart after autopsy – mom wasn’t told

‘For Selina Picon, the sudden death of her son Nicholas from an undetected heart defect last fall was the first shock.

The second blow came less than a month after his burial, when she learned that the San Mateo County coroner had kept her son’s heart after his autopsy.

She went into action, winning the return of the heart of the sensitive, artistic 23-year-old – one of 105 organs the San Mateo coroner has kept from about 1,800 autopsies since 2004. And she’s fighting a little-known state law that allows authorities to keep body parts after autopsies without notifying relatives.’


Luckiest man alive

‘Melbourne surgeons have miraculously saved a teenager who was speared through an eye with a metal chair leg.

Shafique el-Fahkri, 19, was admitted to Royal Melbourne Hospital with the chair leg embedded about 10cm through his head to his neck, where it had partially severed an artery.

He walked out of hospital on Friday, 19 days after being admitted, with no brain damage or loss of sight.

The horrific injury was sustained in a brawl in the city outside Metro nightclub in Bourke St. Fireman cut the chair away from Mr el-Fahkri’s head at the scene.’

Police investigate sexual abuse of corpses

‘Australian police are investigating a report that bodies donated to a Sydney university for medical research were sexually abused and that coffins were filled with parts from multiple bodies.

A Sydney newspaper reported Tuesday that University of New South Wales (NSW) documents showed that body parts had been interfered with sexually in the school of anatomy, which had its license to conduct anatomy classes revoked last November over improper labeling and storage of human remains.

The Sydney Morning Herald said university documents showed a staff member fondled breasts and vaginas of bodies and used the head of one body in a degrading way.’

The first human penis transplant

‘At one time or another, every middle-aged guy wishes he had the virility of a man half his age. In this case, that wish came horribly true. In what doctors call “an unfortunate traumatic accident,” a 44-year-old Chinese man lost all but the last half-inch of his penis. To replace it, they offered him the 4-inch member of an anonymous 22-year-old brain-dead patient whose parents had agreed to donate the organ. The surgery was performed at Guangzhou General Hospital by – I am not making up this name – Dr. Weilie Hu.

This isn’t an operation you’d undertake lightly. [..]’


Toddler’s Eyes Super-Glued Shut

‘A 39-year-old North Little Rock man has been charged with one count of felony child endangerment after a toddler was taken to Arkansas Children’s Hospital with super glue in his eyes and chemical burns on his face. [..]

The Child’s father, Bryen Robison, says his son was blind for a day and a half before receiving medical treatment. He says doctors are hoping the toddler will not have to undergo plastic surgery, but they’re not sure.

Robison told Channel 7 the injuries are the result of super glue, and acetone that was used to remove the glue.’


How drugs cause hallucinations

‘The ap­par­ent key to the dif­fer­ence was that LSD ac­ti­vat­ed the re­cep­tor in a sub­tly dif­fer­ent way from nat­u­ral chem­i­cals, said Mount Si­nai’s Stu­art C. Seal­fon, a co-author of the pa­per. The re­cep­tor seems to be “like a switch that can go on in more than one di­rec­tion,” he ex­plained.

When the mind-bending drug ac­ti­vat­ed the re­cep­tor, it not on­ly trig­gered the typ­i­cal changes in the cell, it caused ad­di­tion­al cell re­s­pon­ses, he said. The ev­i­dence for this, the group re­ported, was that the LSD seemed to cause a char­ac­ter­is­tic chain re­ac­tion of brain chem­is­try in­volv­ing a class of mo­le­cules called G pro­teins, which are of­ten in­volved in nor­mal sig­nal­ing pro­cesses.’


Is she faking it, or is it a real vagina?

‘As you know, many women are getting their vaginas surgically enhanced (designer vaginas) to make them prettier and more feminine. Can you distinguish which female genitals designer vaginas and which are natural?’


Monkey Head Transplant Experiment

(9.2meg Windows media)

see it here »


Los Angeles Hospital Van Spotted Dumping Paraplegic Man on Skid Row

‘A hospital van dropped off a paraplegic man on Skid Row, allegedly leaving him crawling in the street with nothing more than a soiled gown and a broken colostomy bag, police said.

Witnesses who said they saw the incident Thursday wrote down a phone number on the van and took down its license-plate number, which helped detectives connect the vehicle to Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, the Los Angeles Times reported on its Web site.

Police said the incident was a case of “homeless dumping” and were questioning officials from the hospital.’

Monday, February 5, 2007


Woman with fish disorder

This is a video of that woman who smells like a fish.

Followup to: Smells Like Dead Fish

(6.3meg Windows media)

see it here »

Sunday, February 4, 2007


Tests show bird flu is H5N1 virus

‘The avian flu which killed 2,600 turkeys at a Suffolk farm has been confirmed as the H5N1 virus.

The strain can be fatal if it is passed on to humans but experts said the outbreak was being contained and posed little danger to people.

A spokesman for Bernard Matthews, which runs the farm in Holton, said none of the affected birds had entered the food chain and there was no risk to health.’


Saturday, February 3, 2007


Russian shock at ‘gagged’ babies

‘Russian prosecutors are investigating allegations that hospital staff in Yekaterinburg gagged babies because they did not want to hear them crying.

The patient at the hospital in the southern Urals who reported the case heard the children’s muffled cries.

She used her mobile phone to film a baby lying in a cot with his mouth taped, while others had dummies taped to their mouths. They are all orphans.’

Chinese army ‘harvesting body parts’

‘China’s military is harvesting organs from unwilling live prison inmates, mostly Falungong practitioners, for transplants on a large scale – including to foreign recipients- according to a study.

The report’s authors – Canada’s former secretary of state for the Asia Pacific region David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas – implicated dozens of hospitals and jails throughout China in July, after a two-month investigation.

Chinese officials denied those allegations. [..]

“The involvement of the People’s Liberation Army in these transplants is widespread,” Mr Kilgour said at a press conference.’


Officer assaulted with colostomy bag

‘A teenager stopped by a police officer at the Grand Avenue Mall as a suspected truant became disruptive and threw his colostomy bag at the officer, department spokeswoman Anne E. Schwartz said this morning.

The officer was responding to a truancy complaint at the downtown mall Monday at 1:17 p.m. and stopped the youth, who refused to tell the officer his name or age, she said. The suspect then became disruptive and threw his colostomy bag containing bodily waste at the officer.’

Health fund leaking patient medical files

‘The intimate medical history of hundreds of people has been provided by one of the country’s largest private health funds to a company that uses it to sell its services to vulnerable patients.

HCF has handed over to McKesson Asia Pacific the contact details, gender, age, the broad type of mental illness, and the recent number of hospital admissions for 370 people without their consent. [..]

HCF also rejected the claim that it was in breach of privacy laws, although it admitted that it was providing McKesson Asia Pacific with patients’ contact details, sex, age, a broad mental health category, and the number of recent admissions.’

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Viagra-spiked wine nearly kills husband

”She tried to secretly give me a bit of extra “motivation” in bed with two pills of Viagra in a glass of wine.’

He was treated by doctors who confirmed he had suffered a massive heart attack.

Di Angelino added: ‘I’m not angry with her over it.

‘In fact, the whole episode of having a heart attack has made me cut down the stress in my life and pull back at work. And because of that our sexual relationship has got better.”


“Hot” patients setting off U.S. radiation alarms

‘With the rising use of radioisotopes in medicine and the growing use of radiation detectors in a security-conscious nation, patients are triggering alarms in places where they may not even realize they’re being scanned, doctors and security officials say.

Nearly 60,000 people a day in the United States undergo treatment or tests that leave tiny amounts of radioactive material in their bodies, according to the Society of Nuclear Medicine. It is not enough to hurt them or anyone else, but it is enough to trigger radiation alarms for up to three months.’


Ricky Gervais – Nursery Rhymes

Ricky Gervais talking about the morals behind nursery rhymes. He’s pretty funny. 🙂

(10meg Flash video)

see it here »


Lawsuit Filed After Songwriter Starves In Hospital

‘The family of 50s songwriter, Julius Dixson, has filed suit against a Manhattan Hospital charging the elderly man died of neglect after routine surgery.

Julius Dixson, Jr., 53, says there is no way his father should have starved to death in a hospital. “I’m outraged. I’m hurt by it,” he said. [..]

The son said his father’s health deteriorated, and he didn’t go on a feeding tube until January 29, 2004 — the day before he died. The younger Dixson said his father, nine days after the surgery, told him, “If I die in here, you go after them.”‘


GW Pharma to test fat-fighting marijuana drug

`Britain’s GW Pharmaceuticals Plc said Tuesday it plans to start human trials of an experimental treatment for obesity derived from cannabis. [..]

“The cannabis plant has 70 different cannabinoids in it, and each has a different effect on the body,” GW Managing Director Justin Gover told Reuters.

“Some can stimulate your appetite, and some in the same plant can suppress your appetite. It is amazing both scientifically and commercially,” he said in a telephone interview.’


‘Hobbit’ human ‘is a new species’

`The tiny skeletal remains of human “Hobbits” found on an Indonesian island belong to a completely new branch of our family tree, a study has found.

The finds caused a sensation when they were announced to the world in 2004.

But some researchers argued the bones belonged to a modern human with a combination of small stature and a brain disorder called microcephaly.

That claim is rejected by the latest study, which compares the tiny people with modern microcephalics.’

Herpes outbreak triggers wrestling ban in Minnesota

‘An outbreak of a contagious rash called herpes gladiatorum among Minnesota high school wrestlers led the state to suspend matches and halt contact practices, authorities said Wednesday.

The eight-day suspension affecting 7,500 wrestlers on 262 teams was the first time a state’s entire high school program in a sport has been shut down, authorities said.

The Minnesota State High School League acted after 24 wrestlers from 10 schools contracted the rash, which was first noticed and spread at a tournament in December.’

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Frontal Lobes and Humor

‘Damage to the frontal lobes has been historically related to changes in personality, with striking effects on a person’s ability to tell jokes and respond to humor. Such individuals often exhibit silly euphoric behavior, inappropriate laughter, and have an addiction to telling jokes that are usually inappropriate in content.’

An addiction to telling inappropriate jokes would be fucken hilarious, I reckon. 🙂


Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Unhappy as a boy, Kim became youngest ever transsexual at 12

‘A boy of 12 is believed to have become the world’s youngest sex change patient after convincing doctors that he wanted to live the rest of his life as a female.

The boy – originally called Tim, but now known as Kim – has started to receive hormone treatment, in preparation for the operation that will eventually complete the sex change.

Tim was diagnosed as a transsexual two years ago, when doctors and psychiatrists concluded that his claims to be “in the wrong body” were so deeply felt that he required treatment. The therapy involves artificially arresting male puberty, with a series of potent hormone injections before the administration of female hormones to initiate the development of features such as breasts.’