‘Liu Hua, a chinese man, has fingers thicker than his arm and hopes for a normal life once he finishes having surgery. The operation removed 11lbs of bone and tissue from his hand, which was deformed from birth.
Liu has a rare disease called macrodactyly which causes toes and fingers to grow abnormally large.’
see it here »
Apparently the mormon men are on a Mission.
Lots of pictures of cool libraries.
‘Meet the world’s first sheep-hog — a pig with its own fleece.
Scientists are baffled by the strange swine — which they say is a pig “at heart” but with a woolly hide.
The one-year-old is being raised on a ranch near the town of Esquina, 400 miles north of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
It was a gift to owner Felipe Olivetti from a neighbouring farm.
He admitted: “Experts have told us it is unique.
“It is a pig but has a thick fleece which needs shearing in summer with the other sheep because it suffers in the heat. Other pigs do not trust it.”‘
see it here »
‘They’re an odd couple in every sense but a monkey and a pigeon have become inseparable at an animal sanctuary in China.
The 12-week-old macaque – who was abandoned by his mother – was close to death when it was rescued on Neilingding Island, in Goangdong Province.
After being taken to an animal hospital his health began to improve but he seemed spiritless – until he developed a friendship with a white pigeon.
The blossoming relationship helped to revive the macaque who has developed a new lease of life, say staff at the sanctuary.’
‘if you’re expecting filth you’ll be disappointed’
‘Our story begins with the sales call. It was a door-to-door salesman, and after going through everything I was satisfied with what was being offered. I made sure that everything (except one thing, and that would come back to haunt me) was written down. All the fees being waived? In writing, each listed separately. Cost? In writing. I filed away the paperwork and waited for the installation. Having read about installation horror stories (on the Consumerist), I decided to stay home and supervise the installation that Comcast was going to be doing. It’s a good thing I did.’
‘Behold! The work is now complete.
Once started, the machine opens the each page of the book and scans the content. The whole process is automatic.
The lesson of this story is that LEGO is great.’
‘A karate club team have been crowned the world’s first gravy wrestling champions.
The eight teams competing for the title slopped about in a converted swimming pool filled with lukewarm gravy as part of the inaugural World Gravy-Wrestling Championships. [..]
Winning team leader Ian Marsden said: “It took great skill just to keep your feet. The gravy soon got cold and started to solidify.
“I think we got the better of the opposition because they were reduced to throwing lumpy gravy at us.”‘
Exactly what the title says. I could write something more, but really, what is there to write?
‘The National Library of France (BnF) has an amazing collection of prints from 1910 which depict life in the year 2000. They are credited to Villemard.
There’s speculation that they were included with “foodstuffs” of the era [..]’
‘SABLE-3 was launched on Saturday, August 11th, 2007, at 9:31 AM with a payload, consisting of a Nikon Coolpix P2 digital camera set to take 1 image every minute and a Byonics MicroTrak 300 APRS Tracker, that the Kaysam 1200 gram balloon carried to over 117,597 feet. The last payload camera photo from the ground was just before it was launched, at 9:31 AM, and the last photo before the balloon burst was the photo above, at 12:01 PM, exactly 2½ hours or 150 images later. And what a photo. The composition couldn’t have been better or the horizon more level and out of the 196 images taken during the flight, only 1 other image is as good. What are the chances?’
‘A double-decker is driven through London’s streets yesterday — carrying an obscene jibe about Mayor Ken Livingstone on its roof.
Office staff roared with laugher on reading “Livingstone is a cunt!” in 3ft-high letters.
Vandals’ cruel handiwork went unseen at Wood Green bus depot as it was not visible at street level.
Matt Arney, 26, took the snap near the Thames Embankment.
He said: “Everyone dashed to the window. It was hilarious.”‘
see it here »
‘Meet Carlton Davis. The Minnesota man, 26, is facing felony charges for allegedly stealing a cell phone and purse from a woman he mugged on a St. Paul street early Saturday morning. According to police, after the woman turned over her belongings, Davis announced, “Now I’m going to suck your feet.” Which he did, after the 24-year-old victim removed her shoes. Davis, who fled when passerby approached, was apprehended by cops a few blocks from the crime scene. He was booked into the Ramsey County lockup, where the below mug shot was snapped.’
see it here »
‘A major part of Don Q’s job is to fly out to construction sites and setup their computer network. Weeks before doing this, Don meets with the project manager to make sure that every one knows what needs to be done and how to do it. It’s up to the project manager to make sure that the workstations, server, cabling, power, etc. are all in place before Don arrives, and Don makes sure to give concise but not insultingly-simple instructions on how to accomplish that. One of these tasks is simply: install the server in a secure and well-ventilated location.’
‘The two planes careered into each other in mid air with devastating consequences – the aicrcraft were completely blown apart by the force of the collsion.
Debris was blasted across the sky as smoke billowed from the cockpits.
Spectators at the airshow, 60 miles from Warsaw, were horrified as they looked up and saw the killer smash.
It is understood that both pilots died in the collision.’
(1.1meg Flash video)

see it here »
‘I was pottering along (thankfully not in the Skyline) the other day and following my sat-nav when it decided to direct me up a lane which was deemed “Not Suitable for Motor Vehicles” according to the road sign at it’s entrance. Thinking this may spruce up an otherwise uneventful journey, I took this to be a challange.
So, around 2 miles in to the lane, I was bobbing along at a steady 40 and couldn’t see what the bid deal was. Even the ex (although hardly the benchmark for intelligence and awareness) didn’t notice anything to be out of the norm. Until I had to slow down for a corner – and sank [..]’
‘A man looking for a new home on an online mapping service has stumbled across an aerial image of a US nuclear-powered submarine in dry dock showing a part of the vessel that wasn’t meant to be seen.
The image – which appears on Microsoft’s Virtual Earth mapping service – is of the seven-bladed propeller used on an Ohio class ballistic missile submarine.
The vessel was being worked on at a dry dock at the Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor in Washington State, in the north-west of the United States. The base is part of Bangor’s Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific which houses the largest nuclear weapons arsenal.
Propeller designs have been closely guarded secrets since the days of the Cold War. It is still common for them to be draped with tarps or removed and covered when a submarine is out of the water.
The propeller design is an integral part of a submarine’s ability to remain undetected during operations, ensuring that it can patrol the seas in stealth without giving its position away to surface ships.’
‘I recently saw a Digg article which linked to a space.com page about the 10 Strangest Things in Space. All but 2 of the items were not pictures at all but computer simulations, or artists impressions. So here to correct this injustice to phenomena everywhere I present the REAL 10 Strangest Things in Space – or at least in my opinion.’
‘The good news for this mystery blonde is that the digital camera she mislaid on holiday has been found.
The bad news is that the revealing pictures of herself stored on its memory card have been posted on the internet.
And since then she has attracted over 23,000 admirers, all professing their desperation to track her down so that she can get back her lost property. [..]
The Facebook group description reads: “We are trying to track down the lovely lass in these photos so she can be reunited with her lost digital camera. She certainly knows how to use it!’
Update: Also the NSW pictures and her MySpace page.
‘The urethra, unlike other orifices, is strictly designed for one-way activity. There’s no negotiating that – it’s the way things are. I’m not ashamed to admit that at one point in my life I’ve had the infamous STD test which involves the doctor sticking a Q-Tip into your urethra. I learned two very important things from that test: One – I don’t have chlamydia. Two – inserting an object into your peehole HURTS LIKE A MOTHERFUCK. It does. It really hurts. Things aren’t supposed to be in there, and your body has a rather dramatic way of telling you that. But such things are small obstacles to those determined to find new ways of pleasuring themselves – you see, for a growing number of people, inserting objects into the urethra is all kinds of fun.
In the darkest corners of the internet, you’ll find guys sticking all sorts of objects into their pee tubes. For example…’
‘Tied to a lamppost, he stands with his head and upper body covered in tar and feathers. A makeshift placard hung around his neck with a piece of string announces the reason for his treatment.
It is a very public humiliation, and a medieval one. Almost ten years since Northern Ireland’s Troubles officially ended, this remains the crude face of justice on the streets of south Belfast. [..]
Locals had accused the victim, who is in his thirties, of being a drug dealer. And when police allegedly did not act, they took the law into their own hands.
Two masked men tied up the accused victim, poured tar over his head and then covered him in white feathers, apparently from a pillow case.’
see it here »
‘During World War II the Army Corps of Engineers needed to hide the Lockheed Burbank Aircraft Plant to protect it from a Japanese air attack. They covered it with camouflage netting and trompe l’oeil to make it look like a rural subdivision from the air.’
Things have been a little quiet here these past few days, primarily because I decided to spend some time making a web site full of nothing but random images that amuse, interest or disgust me.
It’s basically good to go, so go check it out if random images are your sort of thing. 🙂
There’s a very small amount of extra functionality on it’s way aswell [more navigation options and some ratings], and I’ll be adding more pictures as I come across them too.
If you (dis)like it or have any suggestions, leave me a comment here so I can do something about it. 🙂
Lots of amusing headlines from newspaper articles and advertisements.
‘He survived against all the odds; now Peng Shulin has astounded doctors by learning to walk again.
When his body was cut in two by a lorry in 1995, it was little short of a medical miracle that he lived. [..]
Skin was grafted from his head to seal his torso – but the legless Mr Peng was left only 78cm (2ft 6in) tall. [..]
Doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing found out about Mr Peng’s plight late last year and devised a plan to get him up walking again.
They came up with an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own, creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body with two bionic legs attached to it.’
see it here »